Kick-Off Show -- TICKETS STILL AVAILABLE -- Pagan's Mind


Sep 20, 2004
St. Paul, Minnesota

Although the main festival is in fact sold out, don't forget that there are definitely still tickets available for the official Prog-Power USA Kick-Off Show featuring Pagan's Mind! The show is Thursday, 9/11/2014 at Center Stage Live. Doors @ 5:30pm with music starting promptly at 6:00pm

This year's Kick-Off Show features:

DRAEKON, US power metal with a vocalist who sounds eerily like Roy Kahn

DGM, thunderous melodic metal from Italy

PAGAN'S MIND - Norway's masters of progressive power metal playing their iconic CELESTIAL ENTRANCE album in its entirety! Never before ... never again!

:rock: :rock: :rock:

Don't miss this very, very special show! Buy your tickets NOW:

Just bought my tickets tonight. I kept putting it off because I was too lazy to go pick up my wallet lol
I picked up Draekon's music off of iTunes yesterday.. Loved what I heard of it and can't wait to digest the rest of it!!

So excited for this show!!!!!!:kickass:
Would've been a hell of a facepalm if they'd sold out on you.

Yeah that would have been a nightmare! Especially after spending weeks convincing my wife that we can handle Wed-Mon perfectly fine in Atlanta. We've always been Thursday through Sunday attendees and that's been more than enough for her lol
I would get so much hate from my wife if one of my weeks of vacation every year was for PPUSA. It...may well be worth it though, lol. My new job is way more forgiving with taking time off, so it could even be possible for me to one way attend a full week of badassery like that.
A week would be awesome and there would be a bunch of single dudes there when their wives divorce them lol. I'm still dealing with the Wednesday Pain of Salvation backlash. My wife tells me that I owe her...BIGTIME! She keeps threatening to take me to disco night but I've been able to avoid that misery so far