Pain album......


Nov 19, 2002
Boston, MA USA
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Out of curiousity, which Pain album do you prefer? My favorite w/out a doubt is 'Rebirth!' It's heavy as f@#k & has a good blend w/ industrial sounds. 'Dancing with the Dead' is a pretty close 2nd though.[/COLOR]
Got to say I agree.
Rebirth is the most amazing Pain album and I don´t think it can ever be beaten. DWTD is pretty close, but Rebirth..... It also has the best looking cd-cover I have seen. Nothing special in it, just God and blue color, heh.
Hey Squeak, I checked out your MySpace page. (Your a cute chick:) !) I noticed you're from 'Cisco! So I just have to ask, what was it like seeing TestAmenT live? I'm truly jealous because they always tour nowadays in just CA & Europe! Maybe someday they'll come over to Boston.....:loco:
Pain is awesome, even tho now it has a kind of...lil commercial ring to it...

thats why I like REBIRTH the most, it lacks this lil commercial ring that caracterizes NRTS and DWTD

but dont get me wrong, all albums are :kickass:
Commercial ring?...interesting. I wouldn't necessarily say that Pain sounds commercial, but I would say that Peter takes each CD a step further in it's production, quality, & maturity.:cool:
I prefer "Nothing remains the same".
Shut your mouth, Just hate me, The Game, Pull me under, Eleanor Rigby. Some great songs.
ds336 said:
Commercial ring?...interesting. I wouldn't necessarily say that Pain sounds commercial, but I would say that Peter takes each CD a step further in it's production, quality, & maturity.:cool:

wasnt SAME OLD SONG playing much on Swedish radio or something? and I know peeps here who like mostly commercial stuff (yuck) and actually liked PAIN very much...

wether you want it or not, PAIN will "reach" a wider audience than Hypocrisy will ;)

I dont consider PAIN to be a commercial project mind you, thats not what I meant...but the way it sounds makes it a lot easier to reach the masses ;)
I'll agree w/ you on that aspect, that Pain reaches a wider audience. Why? industrial music was/is big for quite some time, the vocals are clean (Peter's are), & the music is definitely "fit" for what the radio will play in terms of melody. Yeah, I can definitely see your point there Supernova! What sucks for Hypocrisy (in terms of commerciality) is that the music is either too heavy, or the vocals are a turn off for people. But hey, we don't care right?! We play our own stuff & Pete doesn't care! If the man himself doesn't want to bow down to the corporate pigs that try to hypnotize us, than that's a good thing! I like some commercial music too, but I like what I like; I'm not gonna listen to some DJ that tries to shove something down my throat saying what band is the "next best thing," then a few weeks later listen to that same DJ say the same about another shitty band! :Spin:
i like rebirt alot,but south africa sucks can someone plz tell me how many and what albums they have released so i can look for them?