Pain Of Salvation LIVE -What an experience!


Gogol Bordello
Mar 28, 2002
All of you MUST see Pain Of Salvation live.
Saw them last Saturday here, one of the most amazing performances i have seen in my life, and i have seen many.
Daniel Gildenlow is probably the most stunning singer-perfomer in progressive metal , since Buddy Lackey , or maybe Geoff Tate .
Sad to say, I've never seen them live. It's too bad Dream Theater couldn't bring them across the pond for the US leg of their last tour.

POS is one of the most dynamic acts out there right now. I would definitely see them if they came through the MD/DC area.
Saw them live in January last year warming up for Dream Theater. Fucking awesome band. Daniel Gildenlöw made my jaws drop when he did the Fandango riff while singing. He is definitely one of the greatest singer/performers in metal today...
Entropia is wicked cool, I agree with that. The Perfect Element is awesome as well, but Remedy Lane did not do it for me...