Pain video interview review


Sith Lord
Jul 23, 2003
Portland, Whoregon USA
I recently DOWNLOADED, yep, DOWNLOADED a video interview with Peter... to me. I dont know, his manurisms and such just make it look like he's about ready to pick a fight all the time. Hmmm....and him saying he only stays alive for his kid? WTF? Grow up man, youve got ALOT to be happy and live for. Your set. Id give anything to be as sucessfull as him, and then he just says he'd rather just die like it means nothing? Rediculous. Jesus.

Ive been a musician since I was a kid. Ive been playing, writting, and recording metal for YEARS but have never had the money to put stuff out. It takes alot of money to do anything musically and im just not lucky enough to be rich. People always telling me im ultra talented and then ask me why I dont have stuff released or why im not signed, its a fucking drag big time. You dont know what you have it seems. Be gratefull.

Peter...If your so unhappy, then give it someone who will apreciate it. Jesus fucking christ.

Some people just dont get it.

Like the song says "Dont know what ya got till its gone"
I see no connection with happiness and wealth of any sort. And how can one judge anyone like that anyway? Not like one really knows a thing about his life.
young man nihilist said:
I see no connection with happiness and wealth of any sort. And how can one judge anyone like that anyway? Not like one really knows a thing about his life.

Im talking about him being so damned successful, not money. Touring and recording music all the time, owning your own recording studio, being on countless cd's and signed to a good label as well as doing other projects.

And about his life. His life isn't THAT bad, give me a break. Ive been through hell in my life, divorce, starvation, everyone has shit. But you go on. And when you have success you hold onto it and value it and LIVE.

To me its not about money. Success isn't measured with cash, its measured by the person and what they accomplish. He's accomplished ALOT and has ALOT to be grateful for in life. To say it means nothing pretty much and would rather die, thats just plain f'd up.

This isn't jealousy, its great he's got all that....but people need to appreciate what they have and not sluff it off at a whim.
Maybe the "wealth of any sort" was an expression out of place (though I did mean other things than money too, just didn't find words - not my native language).

Still, you listed things we know about his life. But that's it. Well, I haven't seen the interview, and I'm not sure of in what context he stated his indifference with his life.

I don't know him personally, so I feel no need let alone justification to tell him what's right.
I cant judge Peter cuz I dont know him personally

Besides, maybe it is in his nature to always see the cup of water half empty instead of half full? Some peeps were meant to be depressed more easily, some other were meant to act like clowns even in the worst situations

and if I may add some would be Peter's songwritting if he would enjoy all of it and take it for granted? Peter feeds from his inner darkness to be the best metal guy out is his source of inspiration

well this is my opinion...
Supernova said:
I cant judge Peter cuz I dont know him personally

Besides, maybe it is in his nature to always see the cup of water half empty instead of half full? Some peeps were meant to be depressed more easily, some other were meant to act like clowns even in the worst situations

and if I may add some would be Peter's songwritting if he would enjoy all of it and take it for granted? Peter feeds from his inner darkness to be the best metal guy out is his source of inspiration

well this is my opinion...

Im inspired by the same things, mostly dark things, for my music....but I still apreciate life and what I have.
my take on that line is that he has come to terms with death, and life as well. i see it as a mature line, most people aren't prepared to die, or willing to admit it.

in relation to his career, i took it to mean that all his life's work in the music industry, and everything that comes with it, is worthless in comparison to his family, and specifically his son. he's saying the reason he is alive is not to make music. it's to be a father.

when you're dead will you even care how many records you made? perhaps Peter values being a successful father more than being a successful musician.
some people are just like need to bag on him just because of what he said. i read some interview with him and he said that he's pissed off and miserable most of the time, and would you expect someone like him to be like that? each their own.