your favorite katatonia album

I personally like discouraged ones and brave murder day most.
but why don't you tell us which songs you've downloaded and which song you love most among the songs you got now?
that's an easier way to determine which album you should get first as you say you might not able to buy all of them once :) (really I highly recommend you buy all of katatonia albums if you could and listen to them from DoDs to TGCD that you can really feel what katatonia are and I bet you will love them)
discouraged ones or last fair deal gone down, if you cant decide then flip a coin. heads is DO and tails is LFDGD. or whatever you want....anyways i started with viva and when back from there. i never dug LFDGD till about a month ago after owning it for a year but i am now convinced its the best album ever made. but i cannot get into Tonights D. maybe i will though. just gimme a year. but if i had to pick any album to listen to only for the rest of my life it would be discouraged ones. deadhouse alone is worth yer monay.
Whichever one you get, keep in mind you'll likely have to listen to it a few times, then take a few weeks away from listening to it, then listen to it again before you realise just how good it is. This is true particularly for the ones after "discouraged ones" least it was for me.
Brave Murder Day or Discouraged Ones are both really good. I prefer DO a little bit more.