Your FAV'S: album wise

Well since everyone's posting Anathema top lists now... :)

1. Pentecost III
2. Eternity
3. The Silent Enigma
4. Alternative 4
5. Serenades
6. A Fine Day to Exit
7. A Natural Disaster
8. Judgement

The difference between 1 and 7 is not big though, and the order may vary from time to time.
The problem I have with Judgement is that it's just disgustingly cheesy, but that's nothing but an opinion... again ;)
I love the title track though, and Emotional Winter's Pink Floyd rip off intro, and Forgotten Hopes is good too but it got old...
It just has a general fake atmosphere, and part of that is Dave Pybus' influence. He admitted after leaving Anathema that the stuff he wrote meant nothing to him, and he was just trying to write lyrics and music in Anathema's traditional style.
"No one seems to care anymore" Gimme a fecking break
I don't really see how Judgement is so much more cheesy than albums like A4 and Eternity.. Some of John's songs on the album are really good i.m.o. like "Don't Look Too Far", especially that part where the phrase "God bless this mess I'm in" is. He's a better songwriter than drummer (live at least..).
1. Alternative 4
2. Eternity
3. A Natural Disaster
4. Judgement
5. A Nice Day to Exit
6. The Silent Enigma
7. Pentecost III
8. Serenades
Well... okay.
  1. A Fine Day to Exit
  2. Alternative 4
  3. A Natural Disaster
  4. Judgement
  5. The Silent Enigma
  6. Eternity
  7. Serenades
I'm a stats freak so please let me do this with Katatonia as well :p

1. Brave Murder Day
2. The Great Cold Distance
3. Dance of December Souls
4. Discouraged Ones
5. Last Fair Deal Gone Down
6. Tonight's Decision
7. Viva Emptiness

A bit the same as with Anathema, all very close, except Viva Emptiness.
1. Judgement
2. Alternative 4
3. The Silent Enigma
4. A Natural Disaster
5. Eternity
6. Pentecost III
7. Serenades
8. A Fine Day To Exit


1. Last Fair Deal Gone Down
2. Brave Murder Day
3. Tonight's Decision
4. Discouraged Ones
5. Viva Emptiness
6. Dance of December Souls
7. The Great Cold Distance
But, please, no Porcupine Tree top list.
  1. Tonight's Decision
  2. Viva Emptiness
  3. The Great Cold Distance
  4. Last Fair Deal Gone Down
  5. Brave Murder Day
  6. Discouraged Ones
  7. Dance of December Souls
It's too hard a job to put all Anathema's and Kata's albums in order, but my favourites are LFDGD and Alternative 4/Judgement (can't make up my mind). About Porcupine Tree I have no idea.
Tonight's Decision
Discouraged Ones
Viva Emptiness
The Great Cold Distance
Last Fair Deal Gone Down
Brave Murder Day
Dance of December Souls

A Natural Disaster
Alternative 4
Silent Enigma
A Fine Day to Exit