Painful Beatdown


Apr 5, 2003
I just heard about the beatdown on Pain in Germany wherein Peter and a couple other guys from the band got their asses handed to them by a couple random people... I gotta ask, were they totally unprovoked or what? It's odd to hear about random beatings, and this is the second random beating I've heard about. I didn't think people just went around beating people for no reason these days.

Anyone got any info? And I hope for a speedy recovery for them. Of course I'm not in their area and they aren't even touring here, but it sucks for them to miss shows and fun.

I just heard about the beatdown on Pain in Germany wherein Peter and a couple other guys from the band got their asses handed to them by a couple random people... I gotta ask, were they totally unprovoked or what? It's odd to hear about random beatings, and this is the second random beating I've heard about. I didn't think people just went around beating people for no reason these days.

Anyone got any info? And I hope for a speedy recovery for them. Of course I'm not in their area and they aren't even touring here, but it sucks for them to miss shows and fun.


Being in the wrong place at the wrong time + alcohol = random beatings?
I hope those people get hit by a bus or shit porcupines...
While I didn't wish harm on the Pain guys, I don't wish harm on their attackers either... sure, justice can be served when they're arrested, but hit by a bus? Ehh... :(

Where are these pictures you speak of?
I don't even know of the other guys but whoever attacks Peter Tagtgren can eat some serious shit.

I hope the attackers' identity get revealed and some crazy megafan of Hypocrisy or Pain beats the living shit or kills them. Really do.

I've never gotten that pissed off reading an article before.
OMFG was the first thing i thought

The second one was just: What a shame, some of my "compatriots" beat down my favorite musician!!!!

I didn't think people just went around beating people for no reason these days.

Sad to say, but there really are some morons doing this. generally in former east germany, GDR for reasons of not having a job, no money or no balls.

it's just sad and i promise if i ever visit leipzig, i will take revenge

sorry pete, hope to see you again in germany
What the hell is this???? I´m seriously in rage!!!

EDIT: And my feelings after seeing the second most important man in my life lying in a hospital bed, face filled with blood... Oh fucking hell... I´m mad with fury.

There are too many people with shit in their brains out there. And I am having a serious need to push their eyes into their skulls. With a bat made of steel.
If only there really was that thing called the "evil eye". But if it does work, it is now watching.

I hope you suffer and die.
While I didn't wish harm on the Pain guys, I don't wish harm on their attackers either... sure, justice can be served when they're arrested, but hit by a bus? Ehh... :(

Where are these pictures you speak of?

Heh, well not REALLY hit by a bus...I just typed that because I was pissed...but of course I don't really want anyone to get hit by a bus...Maybe something smaller like a Ferrari... a speeding ferrari.
To be honest, I wish they didn't post a picture of Peter like that, I got fucking chills sent down my spine when I saw it.

Once again, I hope the attackers end up breaking every bone in their pathetic body.

Kritic said:
To be honest, I wish they didn't post a picture of Peter like that, I got fucking chills sent down my spine when I saw it.

You got chills seeing that? Best step away from the internet, my friend, while you're still ahead. :)