This forum gives me second thoughts about giving up on humanity


Jun 8, 2002
Observing people you will notice that if people have nothing better to say they just whine about their lives. If they have no real problems they make up stuff to complain about. They cannot talk about something nice that happened to them, but rather random insignificant crap that annoys them.

Such a contrast to the people here. People talking about nice things that have happened to them, asking each other about their weekends. And not just to be polite. Most people believe that being polite is a substitute for being nice to people.

And yes, I realize I am complaining about other people complaining, but I feel that I have a legitimate point.
I agree with you,
I don't really like "whining" or other people whining on forums. I agree that this happens on so many forums, and it's kinda annoying indeed...
I like whining. I know I do it too much, but I don't care. But I also put in when nice shit happens. We do all that here. I've a race coming up tomorrow, and the folks here have been quite supportive.

I've more to say, but I shouldn't get worked up right before bed.

EDIT: Wow, I just totally misread the base note. nuts.
Hmmm.. I have to say welcome TrueBeliever,
and I hope to see some posts by you here in
the future... :o)

I'm actually surprised... The thread about
"what's the nicest thing that's happened to
you" has survived for so long, while all the
whiny threads die.... I love this place!! >:o)
And I love all you folks! >:o) Hehe....
Hi there, TrueBeliever. It's good to see that other people also see that this forum is the last hope for mankind. ;)