

Sep 28, 2004
Does anyone here play paintball?

I`ve been a "paintballer" for 4 years now.. My first game was a 3 days and 2 nights game.. I just got hooked.. I`m the only girl around here that plays, tried getting av few girls with me.. But they thought it hurt to much getting shot..:rolleyes: Haha... It has to hurt, then you know your alive..

Anyway, first marker I bought was a Tippman 98, started playing with a group regulary last summer, (still the only girl) found out that Tippman where to slow and not as good as the markers the other uses...
Kinda got shitkicked every game... A lot of brueses...
No no... I couldn`t let the boys win..

Sat down and searched for paintball shops.. Found one in the USA and found this raw SIM-marker that I`m posing with..

Orgasmic to play with.. No problem playing against a5 and so on..
The best is that there are not many SIM-markers here in Norway.. :headbang:
I played paintball a few times. It was cool and I was getting to be one of the best in the neighborhood, but then everyone decides it's too expensive and quits.

It would have been better to have a job though, to afford more stuff.
ya paintball sounds fun never have tryed it but if i ever do i got the perfect Place to do it and ahah yes i agre with ya ^ the only way i thoink id have the best of fun it can be doin it while high :Spin:
being high doesnt have to have a point, and you dont have to do it to have fun. it makes the experience different and the whole point is to just enjoy yourself. last time i played high it was way cool and my strategies were more thought out, i beat everybody. we played in the woods too