Tempo markers/maps in Reaper are annoying as fuck to handle


Santa Hat Forever
or am I doing it all wrong? It seems a daring task to shift a marker a couple bars cause all the midi in the project seem to fuck up and shift in a strange way, and so do normal audio tracks. Moving a set of markers together is even worse (or impossible?), same as trying to erase a group (or all) time signature markers in a project.

I'm sitting here editing drums and preparing the session to record an album tomorrow morning, hating the universe
You're not alone, it shits me beyond tears. Hoping to all hell they've updated this for V4, haven't tested the alpha since the 20th revision, they're up to 60 something now.
yeah it's annoying.
posted a thread on the reaper forums a while back but the problem can't be fixed it v3.

since then, i pay utmost attention to setting up markers, maps and regiions beforehand.
yep, annoying as fuck.
i have one giant project for all my songwriting, and changing some markers/tempos in an earlier song totally fucks up everything past that point in the project. hope they'll fix it in a later version
If you go to File -> Project Settings, then under the "Project settings" tab there will be an option labeled as "Timebase for items/envelopes/markers". Try changing this to "Beats (position, length, rate)" and see if that helps you achieve the desired behavior when moving tempo markers around.
I had this problem with a project... I would import the track, and the tempo map would be off, then you go to change the tempo and the markers stay in the same spot, then when you go to move them to where they need to be, all hell breaks loose. Glad I'm not the only one that has felt the pain of this... lol

Thanks for the tip Midnight Requiem! I'll give that a shot next time.
I have these issues once in a while too.


sorry, hungover and irritated.
If you go to File -> Project Settings, then under the "Project settings" tab there will be an option labeled as "Timebase for items/envelopes/markers". Try changing this to "Beats (position, length, rate)" and see if that helps you achieve the desired behavior when moving tempo markers around.

I'm pretty sure I tried this a while back and it still didn't help. Any time you changed the tempo markers it still messed up all the tracks... :erk: I will have to double-check it again tho...
I vaguely remember helping on this topic. I have a process for messing with time signature in MIDI mapping, but I circumvent that by mapping out the entirety of the song in BPM and tempo markers before I even track.

I think it had to do with a couple options in the MIDI pane, "Project beats" or something, or maybe it was gluing the entire midi item together and then moving the markers around.

As soon as I recheck my midi maps for a recent demo, I'll get back to you.
Ha, so I'm not retarded, glad to know I'm not alone, thanks for the hate-love guize :lol:

Dawg, if you do realize what's up please come back here.

I also have a big session with all the keyboard tracks/backing tracks for 9 songs but it's been a huge Pain in the ass when I try to change a part, extend a part or something, lately I don't touch it at all
*sigh* Set the project timebase to "Time" before adjusting any tempo markers if you don't want your audio to move with the changes... Problem solved. The annoying behavior you guys are talking about is an incredibly powerful feature if you know what you're doing!

As far as MIDI stuff being affected, I'll experiment, I don't use MIDI often.
*sigh* Set the project timebase to "Time" before adjusting any tempo markers if you don't want your audio to move with the changes... Problem solved. The annoying behavior you guys are talking about is an incredibly powerful feature if you know what you're doing!

As far as MIDI stuff being affected, I'll experiment, I don't use MIDI often.


Not to be a colon inhabitant, but you have helped me in a such a ridiculous volume with regards to anything Reaper related. Your PT customizations (despite me having never used ProTools) have literally sped up my workflow by at least 10 times that of which it was previously.

Thanks for being awesome Adam :kickass:
I agree this behavior has killed me a few times. The problem here is not its features, it's just it doesn't feel natural as a basic setting behaviour. All the midi are fixed so why would it mess up when you move the markers ?

Usually, it's not a problem if your midi is glued. It's a problem when it is in several part.

Adamwatan, if you're expert in the reaper time signatures / markers domain, please do a tutorial so that we have this fixed for ever cause i remember reading the manual and it didnt help me that much when i had the similaire pb as Dan. And you know more than anyone how to do good reaper tutos :)

Off topic : Will your reaper éditing mod work on reaper 4 ?
I'll do something when I get a chance, leaving for vacation today though!

My Reaper editing mods will work but that package is outdated and pretty crappy compared to what I am working with now. I am gonna put out another configuration in the near future with some updated tutorials or maybe a PDF guide.
I'll do something when I get a chance, leaving for vacation today though!

My Reaper editing mods will work but that package is outdated and pretty crappy compared to what I am working with now. I am gonna put out another configuration in the near future with some updated tutorials or maybe a PDF guide.

You're the man. The PDF guide would be handy.

BTW sorry, i forgot an "h" in your pseudo previously :)
*sigh* Set the project timebase to "Time" before adjusting any tempo markers if you don't want your audio to move with the changes... Problem solved. The annoying behavior you guys are talking about is an incredibly powerful feature if you know what you're doing!

As far as MIDI stuff being affected, I'll experiment, I don't use MIDI often.

I already did this a long time ago when you mentioned it some time before, and for some reason it still keeps fucking up, not my audio, but my midi messes up big time. I´m gonna have to experiment and see exactly what´s going on. Have a nice vacation btw :kickass:
damn, i know it's gonna be hard for me to elaborate on this since it was a while ago but when I had this problem, i was able to circumvent by editing the tempo map backwards, starting from the end of the song.

Ahh it sucks, i wish I could remember the reasoning behind this or why I did it but it worked. Hopefully, itll spark someone ingenuity.

Not to be a colon inhabitant, but you have helped me in a such a ridiculous volume with regards to anything Reaper related. Your PT customizations (despite me having never used ProTools) have literally sped up my workflow by at least 10 times that of which it was previously.

Thanks for being awesome Adam :kickass:

You are such a colon inhabitant.