panning guitars


Jan 29, 2012
Do you guys panning guitars hard left and right 100%?

some say to me that, it's not good to hard panning.
and advised me that, for example, if you record guitar left 3 times, panning them differently 50% 70% 90%

can someone prove me on this. or it's just on 90% or 100% all of them.

:guh: Who told you that? For modern metal recordings, typically you want a mono bass, hard L/R (100%) rhythms and maybe 90% on leads, whatever fits the production.

The one who told me is a sound engineer and do recording stuff. May be, he was talk about other genre of music. :D
Thing i find with hard panning is that it only works with 2 guitar tracks, even so they still have to be really tightly played and volume matching is important otherwise the mix will mess with your ears. Quad tracking - I Pan hard left and the second pair I pan 80%, but still apply the volume matching. 2nd pair normally has less gain (200hz and lower is omni directional) so that there is lesser high frequencies in the middle. Thats my 2 cents
Panning depends on each Engineer I've seen guys that use nothing but LCR panning then there are all the guys here that go everywhere in between. I've even talked to engineers that refuse to hard pan. seen 808 kicks hard panned, really comes down to where you think something sounds best.
After panning them left and right, do we still need stereo image plug-in on it? is it necessary?
After panning them left and right, do we still need stereo image plug-in on it? is it necessary?

if you feel they aren't wide enough then yes. Personally, I'd stay away from it because the further you pull them apart, the less they will sound as one.