Parables - final mix (charles J wall master)


Jun 25, 2008

4 tracks off their album!

nt5 - overheads
emmure/parable toms for tom samples
kick10/parables kick for kick
superior/parables/skies samples for snare
sm7b on hat
esp ltc ec-1000 > maxon 808 > mesa 2 chan dual rec with el34s running at 50watts
fender american jazz with actives > B.o.D > ampeg svx
sm7b > audient mico

Charles J wall master
sounding fucking sweet on my PM-1's. the only thing would be; i feel like the bass, though bringing heavyness, isn't cutting through enough in the high-mids. jazz's have those 3 way eq thiniges for volume control, i usually back down a little on the bass knob to let alot of string come through when recording, cause you can always compensate the lowend later on. and a gritty bass could also help the kick alot on this one. it's got this kinda "choked" hood-vibe now, guess it's a taste thing, but i'm not the biggest fan. other than that: PERFECT. great job. i keep checking your threads and i'm never dissapointed!
Ql! Drums could be more "raw" or "real" sounding for this style and the master could have a little more low-end ... but it's cool as it is! I dig the songs too! :)
Ql! Drums could be more "raw" or "real" sounding for this style and the master could have a little more low-end ... but it's cool as it is! I dig the songs too! :)

I agree! Solid mix for sure though. All i would have done differently is give the mix a little more low end. Dig the guitar tone!
..the only thing would be; i feel like the bass, though bringing heavyness, isn't cutting through enough in the high-mids.

This - and there sounds to me like there is too much vacancy between the lowest fundamental of the guitars and the bass. They just don't compliment each other. And I feel the kick drum has a little too much sub frequency content. Needs more of the chest pump instead of ball shake. Just my opinions... I didn't really read all of the thread so the mix can be bounced and finished. Either way, it still sounds great, just what I hear. Great work regardless of my comments.