Paradise Lost: Your Opinion

I don't see why ppl keep bitching about how 'Divine Wings' is better than Paradise Lost. Listening to the song, "Divine Wings of Tragedy" bores the hell out of me for the first couple minutes until it goes into that sweet clean riff that the song is thematically based on. Symphony X is a band that gets better and better as the years pass imo and this last cd blew my fucking mind right from the very beginning of the album. I like Symphony X now more than ever because I can picture EXACTLY what they are portraying, and that's something I only experience with special bands (like Opeth, Dream Theater sometimes).

I'd have to say my least favorite part of the new album is the opening riff to "Domination" because (like someone said in a previous post) it sounds very Sea of Lies. Other than that, this album is epic and I've been listening to it nonstop for a month - it never gets old.
The opening of Domination is not that much like Sea of Lies at all. A fast track with a solo bass intro is seen in both. Symphony X's music has far more similar moments among the songs than this. For example the opening riffs of Evolution and Sea of Lies is much more similar in the melodic sense. Most of these do not bother me at all. BTW, TDWOT (the song) is one of the most incredible compositions that SYX have made IMO. Absolutely brilliant.
I like Symphony X now more than ever because I can picture EXACTLY what they are portraying, and that's something I only experience with special bands

I think that's an excellent point and a feeling I have always found with Symphony X that is fairly exclusive to a few bands (I agree Dream Theater captures the same on occasion). The only other band of similar genre I can think of that I feel that same way about is Gamma Ray. Other than that, there are bands like Angra that I really like, but they don't capture that same visual and emotional clarity.

If you're looking for that type of music I think Cradle of Filth's Cruelty and the Beast is basically as good as it gets for the visual impressionist link. I don't like much else by them, but that album is a masterpiece of setting scene.
PL is just a great album, riffs/parts been playing in my head for the last few weeks, then I just have to listen to it again. Maybe it doesn't rank as high as DWOT, V or Twilight, but for me The Odyssey sounds a bit boring compared to PL.
i think that MJR's solos in this album are better than ever.they have always been amazing, but he puts together unexpected combos, and even uses different solo styles like divebombing and shredding, rather than just classical styling. i think he started that trend in the odyssey and perfected it in PL.
For awhile I thought I sure wouldn't want to wait this long for new music and then be disappointed. And I'm not at all. I think it's amazing. But I still enjoy V more than anything they ever created. Russ worked hard to get this aggressive voice just he got it down to perfection.

I envy you all who will be seeing them with DT.
1/2. PL/ the odyssey
2. DWoT
3. V
4. Damnation Game
5. Self titled

the only reason the odyssey ties for first is because of the title track.
Am I the only one that has this opinion?

1. Paradise Lost
2. The Odyssey (only b/c of the title track - V is better as a whole, but you just can't beat one of the greatest epics of all time)
3. V The New Mythology Suite
4. The Divine Wings of Tragedy
5. Twilight in Olympus
6. The Damnation Game
7. Self-titled

In case you didn't notice, it's all of the albums in descending chronological order besides Twilight and Divine Wings.
You're the only one.

I'd rank it

1. V
2. DWoT
3. Paradise lost
4. The odyssey/Twlight in Olympus
5. The damnation game
6. Rod's bullshit
Am I the only one that has this opinion?

1. Paradise Lost
2. The Odyssey (only b/c of the title track - V is better as a whole, but you just can't beat one of the greatest epics of all time)
3. V The New Mythology Suite
4. The Divine Wings of Tragedy
5. Twilight in Olympus
6. The Damnation Game
7. Self-titled

In case you didn't notice, it's all of the albums in descending chronological order besides Twilight and Divine Wings.

I'm with you on this one, boss. That's my line up too. :kickass:
i think the noob albom is very good and all, BUT thers some stuff that make me disappointed from the albom:
1)i was hoping that it will be a duble CD, not just 1
2)NO 20MIN SONG - WHY??? HO WHY????
3)not only no 20min sont, not only that its no duble CD - only 9 songs?????

well its very good CD - but i was expected much more from SymX
lets hop to much more better in the nxt albom :D
Dude come on, the album length is 60:66 - it doesn't get much better in length than that (especially given the context of it) :flame:
when he says eh was expecting more from sym x he literally means MORE. he wanted more songs, longer songs and ... MORE DISCS?

dude, the content of this album is more than i ever could have asked for. i think you shouldn't focus on how quantity, but rather quality.
I liked the change for the most part but the album as a whole doesn't hold a candle to V or Odyssey... or really any of them. For whatever reason this album didn't really tie together to get that 'sum is greater than its parts' feel that the rest did. On a song per song basis I call it a very solid album and fit the theme quite well.

I like Rus' new harsher vocals but I felt they NEEDED to break it up more than they did with their very classical and more melodic songs of the past.

Either way 7/10

1. V
2. DWoT
2T. The odyssey/Twlight in Olympus
4. Paradise lost
5. The damnation game
6. Rod's bullshit