Paradise Lost: Your Opinion

i think the noob albom is very good and all, BUT thers some stuff that make me disappointed from the albom:
1)i was hoping that it will be a duble CD, not just 1
2)NO 20MIN SONG - WHY??? HO WHY????
3)not only no 20min sont, not only that its no duble CD - only 9 songs?????

well its very good CD - but i was expected much more from SymX
lets hop to much more better in the nxt albom :D
Cool. You're a progsnob. :wave:
This list is based on the quality of the tracks on each album, not how much I enjoy each album:

1. V
2. Paradise Lost
3. The Odyssey
4. Divine Wings & Twilight (tie)
5. Damnation Game
6. s/t
PL is a solid, enjoyable album. It has definitely grown on me since I first listened to it, and probably will continue to do so, somewhat. But I prefer the days when they had more emphasis on the "progressive" and not quite as much on the "metal." And even their more rocking, driven songs of the past tend to have a nice, slightly tongue-in-cheek cheesy feel to them that makes me happy. PL has very little, if any, of that, and it also has much better production, giving it a more "serious" feel. And I don't think the serious feel goes as well with the rocking, driven songs (which is most of PL, unfortunately) -- serious goes much better with majestic, more classically-influenced and meaningful songs. But yeah, the bottom line is, it was worth buying, but compared to the others, it's kinda mediocre.

I'd rate the albums as so:
1. V
2. Man. I can't bring myself to put TiO, Odyssey, and DWoT in any sort of order. All great albums. Tied for second! (if I *had* to choose, I'd probably pick TiO, then DWoT, then Odyssey, because that's the order I'd place them going solely by overall excellence)
3. PL
s/t is almost certainly last, but I haven't listened to it, really, so I can't fairly rate it. I haven't listened to TDG in its entirety, either, but I can't really tell where it would go based on what I've heard.
1. Twilight in Olympus
2. V
3. The Divine Wings of Tragedy

4. The Damnation Game
5. Paradise Lost
6. The Odyssey (aside for the "Champion of Ithaca" part which is fantastic, I cannot stand the "epic" title song; for instance, TDWOT (the song) was much more cohesive and interesting throughout)

7. Self-titled