
I've heard some of it.. Final_Vision sent me the songs and he says he'd be more than happy to send the songs to anyone here, just PM him! As a matter of fact, name a song by any band, and he'll get it for you!!!
i downloaded the mp3 track from the CM site today at work. we're not supposed to do that there but oh well... :^) only got to hear it twice and i was distracted each time so i'll have to download it here at home and give it a more thorough listen.
I liked the song, though it has some "modern" sound on the guitars,specially in the beggining, is definitely a little different from IF or Gardenian, anyway I think that people that don't like R2R maybe will not like passenger, And the ones that do find something in R2R maybe will like it a little more. IMO it's a good band, but I've only listened to In reverse.....

sorry about my english but I'm kinda drunk, it's 3:30 in the morning and I just got home
their album will feature artwork by niklas sundin, and a damn cool artwork this is. that's one of the few things i know about them that are really worth bragging about. :rolleyes:

"In Reverse"

Okaaay, I've listened to it some more.
Q: Is this a Fridén lyrical composition?
It has to be because it contains an abundance of "I's" and "You's".

Never even heard of this band... But now that it's been mentioned and Friden is involved, I'll definitely be checking it out. Thanks for the heads up.
I've heard one track from this Passenger release. It's called "In Reverse" and holy shit, this song was a steaming pile. It's horrible. Aftering comparing this side project to Jesper's Dimension Zero, it becomes painfully obvious that Anders is ruining In Flames. I blame him for the more "nu" direction taken on Reroute to Remain, and I expect that the next In Flames album will only proceed further in this direction.
You know, I actually downloaded this song. My valuable time has been wasted. I want Anders Fridén and Passenger prosecuted for this!