past mistakes and future opportunities


Active Member
Oct 18, 2001
i just recently asked myself: what are my plans for, say, the next 10 years? do i really know? well, do you? what are your plans for the future? is your path laid out clearly before you, or do you stumble from one day to the next without any clue? have you any goals you definetely want to archieve? what about career? what about family?

:err: :erk: :confused:
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Short answer: I don't know! :erk: I know I want to pay off all my debts (car loan, student loan, credit card) and save money for the future. I guess that's my biggest concern. I think I want a kid or two someday, but not right now. Other than that, nothings laid out clearly. I'm only 28 years old, but I've already seen that no matter what you plan in life, things will often turn out not quite how you expect. (But that's not always a bad thing! :) )
past mistakes: don't know for sure, but I guess something big because I'm quite fucked up at the time :)

future opportunities: I don't know, I guess very few as long as I continue to be this shitty :)
Past mistakes: I should have worked and studied harder.
Currently: Trying to make it up.
Future: Difficult to see what lies in front of me. Hopefully something good.
As for some reason 'not possible' seems to be one of the few words in my private dictionary I'm not sure about most things when it comes to my future... It’s not that I don’t know what I want in life. I do...! But as I already mentioned there's always this 'not possible' thingie right around the corner for me :erk: I do have some plans for the not too distant future and no matter what'll happen from here... At least I will make that happen... (err...if it's possible that is... :confused: )
Aside from that it would be nice if at some point in life I could stop doubting myself and take things less personally when it comes to this ‘not possible’ issue. Although I'm an optimistic person... it has caused a lot of hurt throughout my life...

Hmm... I guess all of the above is rather vague... It likely doesn’t make sense to any of you... does it!?
most of the mistakes are forgotten, my mind works that way.
and i try not to stress too much of the coming days.
Vulture tried to put his finger on our wounds with this thread. Past mistakes? A lot, I'm sure, the human race seems to be quite skilled at stumbling all along the way. Future opportunities? Do you really want to know this? I'm a thousand miles away from the vaguest clue about it. Wonderful, huh?

yeah, and that's basically what everyone complains about. i mean, have a look at your parents, at least mine knew perfectly well what to do at my age. do we have too much choices? i mean, we are able to do almost everything; there are no such barriers as there were maybe 30-40 years ago. or do we set our stakes too high? do we really need a job with a neat salary AND one which appeals to us? i don't know what's wrong in general, but here we are, with nothing to complain about, the world being open to us, endless choices... and still we can't seem to get a foot on the ground. and not only concerning jobs. we could move anywhere, we could see the whole world, and still we are just indecisive all the time. why is that?
VultureCulture said:
i mean, we are able to do almost everything; there are no such barriers as there were maybe 30-40 years ago.

That reminds me a quote from Michael Ende's "The Neverending Story": "To do whatever you want doesn't mean to do whatever that crosses your mind, but to head for your true will. And there's no other way more dangerous, because there's no other easier to get lost". We do things, yet they don't seem enough to fulfill our hearts.

Maybe it's not because of lack of possibilities or high and unreachable stakes, but because we don't know what we want, nor how to achieve it. In any case, I heard once something I think is quite true: "The best way to achieve your goals is by helping others to achieve theirs".

In addition, that "everything" Vulture mentioned is often translated as "more money, bigger houses, expensive cars, scheduled trips...", and the more you walk that way, the less your feelings get better.

So... what do you think is your "true will"? ;)


P.S: It's not fair to ask first and leave the responsibility to you, so I'll do it myself: as I stated above, I don't have any idea of what I really want or how's going to be my life but if there's something I've got crystal clear on my mind is that I don't wanna be alone.
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Present mistake as an American (even though I didn't vote for Bush):

My future kids will be paying for that mistake.
Past Mistakes: Quite a few I'm sure... Life basically sucks anyways, just the few shining sparkly happy moments in between that make it bearable, but those seem to be fewer and farther between as of late.

Current: About the same as the past I would assume, but it's only the current moment.

The Future? Sure it holds promise, every optimist has at least this much to look foward to, yet it's only a faith, and faith is well, is very storybookish.

I have no clue what I'll be doing six months from now let alone 5 or 10 years.
Past mistakes hhmmm? Well there have been many. I wish I never started smoking, I wish I held onto friendships that at the time seemed trivial, I wish I didnt get involved with afew of the people Ive been with (sexually), I wish I payed more attention in high school instead of getting stoned before, during, and after school, etc.

As far as future aspirations go, I dont know anymore. Im more confused with what I want to do in life than I have been in awhile. I guess time will tell.

i like this thread, and since i'm on do-nothing-day i also have the opportunity to answer.

past mistakes: first of all, wasting time during my master's year. i was really unfocused: did not study, didn't even plan my ph. d. applications carefully, and generally lost chances. everything turned out all right, but that's just because i was lucky.

also, one mistake i regret a lot is not being able to understand before moving out of my parents' home how family relations should be handled in order to reduce conflict intensity.

future opportunities: that's the part i like best, of course. right now i'm in a decisive phase, because if i pass the selection i am currently taking part in i think the next 5 to 10 years of my career are plain to see: i'd be in such a remarkable position for my age that going and finding another job would be pure folly, especially considering that i like what i do and i like the people in my workplace.

which brings me to the last point: i like one of these people so much that i might also want to have a romantic future, including family, with him. possibly. that's why i've been crying while watching disney cartoons one hour ago: at first i thought i was going mad, then i realized that the first 10 minutes of peter pan, the scenes in the house etc, are so infused with hope of the having-kids-around-and-telling-them-bedtime-stories varieties that any sensible person should cry if not currently gifted with said kids to watch the movie with.

but i don't really know what will happen. and, this particular man notwithstanding, i want what i can't have: i've been wanting a steady relationship since i was 18, and got none. this doesn't belong in the 'past mistakes' section tho, cos it wasn't my mistake. :D