

Feb 28, 2008
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Just looking for your opinions on these guys. I have their first album, and I love it. That thick, up-front bass tone totally makes that album for me!! This gets regular plays. Not one bad song on that album!!:kickass:

BUT the little bit I've heard of their new album was severely disappointing. It sounds like they lost everything from the first album, and turned from awesome to mediocre. No bass tone, no nothing. Truthfully, I only heard what was on their MySpace page, which was Crown of Thorns (I think) and an album preview. But that's all I needed to make my decision to NOT buy it.:erk:

Well that's my opinion...:Smug:
Great band, nice guys. Teched for them at Prog Power USA last year.

I agree their debut is better soundwise than the new one, but I do like both.
I enjoy Pathosray's first album. I haven't heard the second yet... I don't know if I'll be getting it or not at this point because I've been getting out of the power prog bands a little bit as of late.

I have to get this out there...

LEPROUS is an amazing new band! I picked up their debut a while ago, and it is phenominal! These guys (who are very young, btw) write their songs like they've been doing it for a long time. So smooth and effortless sounding, while still being complex and creative. Fans of Opeth should definitely check them out!... and even non-Opeth fans.
I Like the Leprous a lot also..

Thanks for the heads up about the Pathosray so I opted for the new Spheric Universe instead...