

blunt fanfare trauma
Oct 24, 2003
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Hi Emi. Are there any updates happeing soon? Aside from MP, what the hell else is happening? By the way, new Manes ep is quite good. Bravo all of you.
unfortunately we don't have any news. all the albums planned to be released in the first half of 2006 have been postponed because the bands are late with the schedule and failed to deliver masters in time :(
SCALD is the only band ready to go, but we can't release it alone, so we're forced to sit and wait :(
I'm negoziating with several new great bands, but until now we've been outbid by bigger labels all the time... we discover the band first, make the first offer, but when a BIG arrives we can't compete ($$$$....) really frustrating grrrrr........
that's why we don't have any newsletter going on, because there's no news...
It almost seems liike hollywood buying up all the good scripts that come into their hands and shelving them until further notice. Which means whenever Spielberg or some other hot shit director appears to conquer the box office and usually ends up delivering some weak seasonal tea. Code666 has signed some fine acts in my opinion, even if the label cannot supply the ultimate in production and promotion, the names get out and the music is usually of high quality, not a rip off band with plenty of manufactured commercial appeal. Hell, a band needds to survive, so of course they'll tale the assumed better offer, but those big labels just end up shelving them or promoting big and then sizzking to a pop so all of trhe clone acts can run ahead and deliver the dollars. Like those shitty weak seasonal tea Hollywood crap films. Tom crusie is a such a fag. Anyway, I only try to compliment and reassure, but I'm only one person amidst millions eith the same opinion. Keep it up as long as you can Emi, you do good.
