Patriotism- A Menace To Liberty


Nov 29, 2001
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"Indeed, the essentials of patriotism seem to be egotism, conceit, and ignorance"- leo tolstoy

I seem to be 'feeling' this quote today, heh. Any thoughts?..
I for one believe that patriotism is a wonderful thing, but is sometimes utilized for the wrong ends. Recently it just seems as companies are merely using Patriotism to sell themselves and their products (Jeep Liberty for example).

To answer this post directly, Patriotism does sometimes equate to egotism, but it also possesses the trait of bringing people together into a collective, united, group. It could be a positive or negative matters how it is used.

Of the day are, I think you are trying to put the great and mighty usa into context am I correct, and why its so narrow, on many issues it faces inthe year 2001. I believe its good if its for ONE NATION and to focus on building a better world, bad inthe forces school children at schools to not see the real issues, by becoming inward. Good inthe way it keeps the war veteran's happy and docile.

Hope this benefits your happy thoughts.

Cheers, have a skunk on me.
Originally posted by ClearLight
"Indeed, the essentials of patriotism seem to be egotism, conceit, and ignorance"- leo tolstoy

I seem to be 'feeling' this quote today, heh. Any thoughts?..

WoW! i like that :cool: since i ma not patriotic at all. why does everyone think that his/her nation is chosen to be the best??

in a way i'm kind of antipatriotic. it's maybe a strange example but when i was 9 years old i got into soccer. everyone here is a fan of the 1.FC Kaiserslautern. i really searched for a club that had not many fans aroud because i hated that "we palatinates are the best"-stuff. this isn't patriotism for a nation but for a region and i really hated it already years ago... is boring :)
No one gave two shits about this country before September 11th... you saw next to NO American flags hanging around. But after that "tragic" day, EVERYONE is sporting an American flag. It's sad to have a travesty such as that to get people into the spirit of their country. I hate this place regardless.
Placing a flag on one's bumper sticker does not necessarily make one patriotic. This burst of patriotism sort of reminds me of how cd sales for an artist that no one gave two shits about suddenly soars because of their death. What good is the support after the fact? Give this country time, the flags will probably come down, and no one will care anymore, not until some other big event/tragedy. I think patriotism is better demonstrated with actions, like helping a fellow countryman, sparing a buck, giving a donation, volunteering, whatever, things that you do everyday, not only when tragedy hits. There are a lot of non-Americans out there waving the flag, and I'm pretty sure it's not out of love for this country, but out of fear.
I have no idea what so ever about this topic, for i come from Australia.

Patriotism doesn't exist here like it does in america. There is no flag-waving at all. We are faithful to our country and our people without over-doing it.
heard there is crazy bud down in Australia.. did you guys just have a Cannabis Cup festival down there??..

I for one see absolutely no reason for me to be patriotic in this country..
between the farce that is the war on drugs, to the continuous exploitation and aggression we exhibit towards third world countries.. S.America, the middle east, and beyond..
the corrupt oil mongers who seem to have no regard for human life..
the constant barrage of coercive messages that is the media system..
even american pop culture ; the music, the movies, the trends, the plastic surgery, the fashions.. capitalist self-indulgent pigs.. Americans live for one word - CONVENIENCE

"Americans spend more time gazing into screens and monitors then into the eyes of loved ones and friends"-Timothy Leary
2 new words for you to look up...




You will earn soemthing new today/tonight.

Yes, the bud is beautiful, a truely wonderful 30min peak for 2hrs,...a real wave rip.
I think Amsterdam has the cup's,as I was told this as a kid, and HIGH TIMES had photo's as well. Maybe NIMBIN in Northern NSW has something, but I hate the place...
They have introduced sniffer dogs now to catch people onthe street, your liberities are gone for every drug, including the blue ones.
thats it, Nimbin.. They did actually have a cannabis cup event there. .I read it in the most recent Cannabis Culture (a Canadian magazine) ; I heard there is a large amount of activisits/liberal/bohemian types living there?..

Property is expensive, very sad place, lots of fucked up people...its near a huge icecream factory...
The best is Canberra, its legal... 2 plants inteh back yard, no blowing smoke in peoples faces at bus stops , carry no foils, and you are sweet monkey's.
NIMBIN its illegal. But the hippies inthe age of 70's went out there to tune out....and have stayed...