Paul's Fake Hair...

Fake music?

Oh and I'm not being a "one-eyed KISS fan" here but please could you not use the term KISS Army of Jackasses all the time? Not all KISS fans are jackasses and although I still love the band and see them live (sure they are nowhere near as good as they used to be, but still put on a better rock & roll show than every other band that is currently playing today) I'm not THAT stupid that I can't see everything they do wrong. I hate so many of the things they have done the last 8 years and everybody knows that. Just have a bit of respect, knowing that some people on here are proud followers of the KISS army, it doesn't mean we are jackasses.

And as for this item, it is an authentic piece of memorabilia from a great era of the band, being sold by a diehard fan (who is in a ROKKIN band himself with Pretty Boy Floyd & Big Bang Babies members), not a piece of crappy Kiss merchandise filling Gene's pockets. Which by the way, I don't buy any of that stuff. I do, and will continue to, buy music, videos, DVDs, concert tickets etc to enjoy the band's music and shows and video clips but I don't buy the toys and merch.

And just for the record about the "Fake hair" comment there, Paul actually didn't wear a wig during that era. If you have seen the video clip for Rise To It, it starts with Gene & Paul dressed up in their 70s gear in a fake "Backstage 1975" scene where they talk about how they might take the makeup off one day, before they blast into Rise To It of course without the makeup coz it was 1989, long after the makeup was removed. The wig is from his 1975 costume for that scene.
I think KISS is WAY overrated but I DON'T think the KISS army is a bunch of jackasses - shit - Diamond Darrel was a HUGE KISS fan. I DO however, acknowledge KISS for what they are:

A band made up of shallow individuals who made their money on image rather than writing anything musically sound. Catchy melodies and sing-along choruses? Absolutely - but there are HUNDREDS AND HUNDREDS of musicians who write catchy stuff. Paul Stanley is never going to be known as a great guitarist, and Gene Simmons is barely a bassist. Peter Chris is about average, and Bruck Kulick, while he is pretty quick, the solos he plays are pretty lame and unchallenging from a guitarists point of view.

They have their niche, but in my book I thought the coolest thing about them was the makeup - I couldn't care less about their cheezy, repetetive 3 chord music.

That's my 2 cents...

Flame on...
USMC0341 said:
I think KISS is WAY overrated but I DON'T think the KISS army is a bunch of jackasses - shit - Diamond Darrel was a HUGE KISS fan. I DO however, acknowledge KISS for what they are:

A band made up of shallow individuals who made their money on image rather than writing anything musically sound. Catchy melodies and sing-along choruses? Absolutely - but there are HUNDREDS AND HUNDREDS of musicians who write catchy stuff. Paul Stanley is bever going to be known as a great guitarist, and Gene Simmons is barely a bassist. Peter Chris is about average, and Bruck Kulick, while he is pretty quick, the solos he plays are pretty lame and unchallenging from a guitarists point of view.

They have their niche, but in my book I thought the coolest thing about them was the makeup - I couldn't care less about their cheezy, repetetive 3 chord music.

That's my 2 cents...

Flame on...

Well stated!!!
Although, I do like the riffs in "Unholy" and "Gods of Thunder".
I was once a card carrying member of the KISS Army.
Why? I ask myself that every day, at least recently.
Why did I piss away all that money of their merch?
Why did I keep believing in them?
Why did I defend them?
Why did I allow myself to get sucked up, fucked & then spit out & thrown to the curb like Ace's empties?! I guess I wasn't thinking. No I got it. I got caught up in it, because I was trying to relive what once was. I was going through my second childhood with these mother fuckers. You see, when you're able to buy that shit you go hog wild... Stuff I wasn't able to do, when I was 6-7 years old....
Was their music fake? I don't know their first four records are king...
I like Revenge....
KISS is not a band but a business.
However, I think that to my generation KISS is more important than the Beatles. That's right, let me repeat that.....


They inspired more people my age to start a band then another other band from the 70's.

Now that I think about it I could name about 5 or 10 bands throughout RnR history that are more important than the Beatles... :) (as you can tell I hate the Beatles).
Greeno said:
KISS is not a band but a business.
However, I think that to my generation KISS is more important than the Beatles. That's right, let me repeat that.....


They inspired more people my age to start a band then another other band from the 70's.

Now that I think about it I could name about 5 or 10 bands throughout RnR history that are more important than the Beatles... :) (as you can tell I hate the Beatles).
Whether or not one likes the Beatles, or the Stones for that matter, make no mistake that they are probably the two most influential bands of all time. Of course, Elvis is right up there (heck, the guys in Zep worshipped the King).

Then, of course, you have the obscure artists, such as Robert Johnson and Howlin Wolf who inspired practically EVERY great early guitar god....Page, Beck, Blackmore, Iommi, etc.

But I'll give Kiss their due, as well.
Practically EVERY metal band post-1983 cites them as an influence. But again, in my view, they inspired the "image" of the 80s more than anything else (Wasp, Crue, Poison, etc).
Huhu, I'm trying to grow my hair ... maybe this is a good in-between solution :loco:
Well, I give Kiss credit for their old stuff. When I was a kid I loved their image and they sure got me in the right direction listening to harder music. I also think they did in fact make some good stuff. I still rate the Alive albums pretty high....
SoundMaster said:
Whether or not one likes the Beatles, or the Stones for that matter, make no mistake that they are probably the two most influential bands of all time.

Nope, sorry... I don't buy it. That's just what the generation before mine has been shoving down my throat all my life. They may be the most influentcial "POP" band (as in radio crap like B Spears) but they have nothing to do with RnR.

The Stones and the Who on the otherhand have everything to do with RnR.
Greeno said:
Nope, sorry... I don't buy it. That's just what the generation before mine has been shoving down my throat all my life. They may be the most influentcial "POP" band (as in radio crap like B Spears) but they have nothing to do with RnR.

The Stones and the Who on the otherhand have everything to do with RnR.
Much of what made the Beatles great was their non-pop material. Great, balls-out rock. See "She's So Heavy" or "Helter Skelter", for example. Or "Across the Universe".
Anyway, the "pop" of that era can hardly be compared to the synthetic, manufactured pop of today. The Beatles played instruments. The pop of today is devoid of actual music. The Beatles composed melodies; the pop artist's of today have weak melodies composed for them by others.

Most metal fans tend to dismiss the Beatles, but the music speaks for itself. Usually, it's the metal closed-mindedness that does it. Their flowery image is quite annoying, I agree. But again, the music dwarfes it.

Kiss, on the other hand, it ALL image, little music. And there's a generation of metal fans who attempt to have us believe otherwise.
USMC0341 said:
I think KISS is WAY overrated but I DON'T think the KISS army is a bunch of jackasses - shit - Diamond Darrel was a HUGE KISS fan. I DO however, acknowledge KISS for what they are:

A band made up of shallow individuals who made their money on image rather than writing anything musically sound. Catchy melodies and sing-along choruses? Absolutely - but there are HUNDREDS AND HUNDREDS of musicians who write catchy stuff. Paul Stanley is never going to be known as a great guitarist, and Gene Simmons is barely a bassist. Peter Chris is about average, and Bruck Kulick, while he is pretty quick, the solos he plays are pretty lame and unchallenging from a guitarists point of view.

They have their niche, but in my book I thought the coolest thing about them was the makeup - I couldn't care less about their cheezy, repetetive 3 chord music.

That's my 2 cents...

Flame on...

I personally dont like KISS neither with the exceptions of the Destroyer album ... but i think Ace was a decent guitarist for the 70's and was very influential and it wasnt for his image... but other then that i think KISS sux...
The Beatles in their later period [66- 70] made pure magic as far as I am concerned. But then I grew up with them. You have to put it in context. On those days there were not that much bands that did something special.

I would say The Beatles opened the way for a lot of psychedelic music which later slowly turned into progressive music [Pink Floyd]. Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band is a key album in the history of pop music. With it The Beatles moved away from what Paul later named "silly love songs" into more adventurous compositions. I hears the Beatles for the first time around the early 60s and I am still a fan.

As for Kiss, I never liked them but I do understand the appeal of the band. I would like to point out however that Kiss got most of their Image from the so called Glam period in the very early 70s. Bands like the Sweet, Mud, David Bowie, Alice Cooper, Wizzard, T-Rex and others already did the image thing that Kiss later copied. Especially David Bowie and Alice Cooper were an inspiration to them.
SoundMaster said:
Anyway, the "pop" of that era can hardly be compared to the synthetic, manufactured pop of today.

I guess it's just me but I hear no difference between the Beatles and Britney.
Just a better production.

SoundMaster said:
Usually, it's the metal closed-mindedness that does it.

I don't think this was pointed at just me but I will say in my defence that I'm far from a "closed minded" metalhead. My cd and vinyl collection numbers about 5000 albums and only about half of it is metal. I love music... all types of music... but I think the Beatles get WAAAYYYY too much credit. Just my opinion. Just because my parent's generation has determined that the greatest band ever was the Beatles does not make it fact. From my point of veiw they were nothing but a pop band that evolved into a self indulgent studio band that made boring music. There's nothing wrong with that, some people like the more pop or avant-garde stuff.... but what that has to do with Rock N Roll I have no idea.

SoundMaster said:
Kiss, on the other hand, it ALL image, little music.

I think KISS was 50% the music and 50% the image. I would take any 70's KISS song over a Beatles song any day of the week.

SoundMaster said:
And there's a generation of metal fans who attempt to have us believe otherwise.

It's more about a generation of hippies that want you to believe that the Beatles is the only RnR band that matters.
Greeno said:
It's more about a generation of hippies that want you to believe that the Beatles is the only RnR band that matters.
:lol: I have never been called a hippie before. And thats funny because I dispised them from the very moment I first saw and talked to them in 1970. :wave:
I agree KISS is a business and not a band. But I think they always HAVE been. Since the 70's. They have never been about musical integrity or about technical ability. They have always been about one thing: BEING THE GREATEST SHOW ON EARTH! SHOW as in SHOW BUSINESS - ENTERTAINMENT. ESCAPISM. KISS have the same effect on us fans as a good movie, a good book, or a good meal has! You forget about your problems for a while...Take a JAMES BOND movie for instance. You can either kick back and watch it for what it is...or you can be the party pooper who says "no way could he be shot at that many times and not get hit!". Same with can either ROCK N ROLL ALL NIGHT or you can find 1000 reasons to hate them because like moviemakers, they want to make money. Still, if you like STAR WARS, you like it...not because it grossed millions of dollars on the movie AND the merch...but because you thought it was cool and fun.

KISS is the greatest SHOW on earth. Always will be. They pioneered the theatrics of modern metal and concerts in general.

And again, if you can't get excited to see a guy spit blood and breathe fire or a guy shooting rockets out of his guitar....what the fuck excites you????


Just another Jackass