Pay to play shows?


djenital moosic
Feb 17, 2006
Just wanted to see how you guys feel about the good ol pay to play shows.
For example you have to sell a predetermined amount of tickets or shell out the money from your own pocket to play a show with a national touring act.
We paid to play once.. It was a bandcompetition (Emergenza) and it was the biggest crappiest organized scam ever...

On the other hand.. if we could pay 1000 bucks to tour with Slayer or Metallica I wouldnt say no :p
thats just how the music industry has evolved since its beginning i guess. its a bummer and always a potential loss but if your music is good enough you'll sell your tickets. if your music is shite then dont bother wasting your time, the shows time and your money.

nothing is free in this world and chances are if its a national touring act your going to come across some pr people and managers, good people in the industry etc that could potentially want to support your band & its music.

nobody is handed a record deal anymore - you need to do it yourself...which is a load of bollox
Yeah my band has done it before, and we got some really good contacts from it makes me feal like a dirty whore lol We have made the decision to never do it again.
I would never pay to play a show, my band has opened for several big acts including Megadeth and never asked to sell tickets or pay for playing, but playing with big bands, as cool as it could be, in other hand isn´t the big deal, you probably won´t get signed that way or discovered by PR or you like the band that much to have you on the tour (may be exceptions of course), the only coolness you will have is hang out with the guys, and that a lot of people will see your band, but probably only a few would care.

Your decision is correct, they must pay you instead of you paying them, or at least don´t pay a fart.
pay to play is the majority of gigs here in LA and its horseshit. and we're not even talking to open for a national act.... i hear its for slots on tuesdays and wednesday nights too at alotta clubs. insane.

there are those who decry it on craigslist on a regular basis, asking people to not do it in hopes that promoters and club owners will have to change their ways.

unfortunately, there's enough new/naive musician blood here in LA to keep that scam going full-time for a long long time. everyone learns its a rip off sooner or later, but by then theyve been replaced by the latest batch of people who just moved here to make it big.
Id definately pay to play with a band like Megadeth.. Its a great experience, loads of people will hear your music, you get to play big pro venues etc... Of course it would be cooler if they'd just ask you, but that doesnt happen to everyone..
No go. We've consequently turned down offers like these... even if it's been bigger festivals and such.

If you're band is worth something, things will subsequently grow bigger. This is a shortcut you might regret heavily... heard to many stories of things like this turning into some sort of (financial) nightmare.
We did that once, to play with One Man Army in Berlin. Had to sell 30 tickets, though we are from Hamburg.
2 hours outside in front of the venue to at least sell some tickets to cover the expenses. Only a small loss in the end, but NEVER AGAIN.
BTW, fuck the K17. :D
I think pay-to-play is awful for everyone involved. I've never paid but I've been on tours where the promoter stacks the bill with local openers who have to sell tickets. The results always end up with too many bands in too little time with little to no attention to stylistic appropriateness.
In my experience the touring package is annoyed, the locals often feel ripped off and the audience is alienated (so even the good locals aren't given a fair listen). It sucks for everyone but the promoter.