Pc Problems

I just spent three hours yesterday trying to copy 2 megs of files to a flash drive without the system crashing, in the first attempt at computer repair I've made for anyone since the day Vista came out - when I got a call from someone I told I wouldn't help with Vista and who had their system fail miserably at existence from the minute they put the disc in. I'm going to go ahead and still dislike it.

Lucky bastard. I'm stealing your computering and fixing every other motherfucker who uses the OS and can't stop bitching about it.

Yes, you obnoxious bastards who think that because I like computers I must love hearing about how many problems with Vista you've had. I've tried to not say that you were stupid for expecting it to work perfectly day-of-release, or at all given that it's a Microsoft product, or that I'd appreciate it if you kindly fucked off because I just don't care, but I don't have patience. I went UNIX for a reason. Given that you're also the types who should only use circles of safety paper and large blocks of chalk, the types who should be required to wear helmets when attempting to walk upright, I suggest that you try the UNIX-with-training-wheels that is OS X and go have sex with your garbage disposal so I won't have to hear about how much your operating system sucks OR worry about your children doing the same.

Wow, that felt good.
