pc sound card ?


From Solaris
Feb 22, 2005
Hi guys , i visited last weeks this forum and i found it full of professional advices and tips for recording audio.
I started these months to build my personal home studio with a PC ( i use a pentium4 3.2 ghz , 1 gbyte ram , cubase sx with tens of plug-ins, sm57 microphones...).
I need to know what model of sound card i have to buy (of course no-internal , 24-96 recording , with less latency possible ) .My price-limit is 350-400$.
Thank you.
I'll vouch for the Delta 1010. Own it, love it... but you'll also need at least a decent 8 channel mixer to use it properly because it doesn't have XLR ins.

If you don't need that many inputs (8 analog, 2 spdif) you could get something less expensive and maybe buy another mic or something with the rest of your budget.

There's a "blem" model on sale at MF for pretty cheap, but I'm not sure if "blem" means "a few scratches" or "run over with a truck, covered with elephant turd, and lit on fire." Caveat emptor, yo.

black sugar said:
Caveat emptor, yo.
wow bs, are you just dispensing latin consumer advocacy with a modern "hip hop" flair, or putting forth your vote for the title of the next Limp Bizkit album? ;)

as for the subject of this thread... i have an M-Audio Delta 44 card and break-out box for trade if you or anyone else is interested.. there are up-to-date Windows XP drivers for it available on M-Audio's site i believe.... and for OSX as well. i never used it.. just check that it worked. not interested in money... hell, make a good enough story up and i'll probably give it to ya! :OMG:
James Murphy said:
wow bs, are you just dispensing latin consumer advocacy with a modern "hip hop" flair, or putting forth your vote for the title of the next Limp Bizkit album? ;)

as for the subject of this thread... i have an M-Audio Delta 44 card and break-out box for trade if you or anyone else is interested.. there are up-to-date Windows XP drivers for it available on M-Audio's site i believe.... and for OSX as well. i never used it.. just check that it worked. not interested in money... hell, make a good enough story up and i'll probably give it to ya! :OMG:

You know why I would want it? Not only because I NEED IT, but because JAMES FUCKIN MURPHY GAVE IT TO ME. How cool is that shit. I don't really have a good story though... But I am using some really horrible equipment to get this sound http://www.hxcmp3.com/bands/13325/

That's all I got.. :err:
James Murphy said:
wow bs, are you just dispensing latin consumer advocacy with a modern "hip hop" flair, or putting forth your vote for the title of the next Limp Bizkit album? ;)

Hey James! Be glad that he didn't say "latah" in the end of his comment! :tickled:
MR NINE said:
James Murphy said:
Hey James! Be glad that he didn't say "latah" in the end of his comment! :tickled:
now, now... just having a little fun with our friend bs...the occasional "yo" here and there is fine from this otherwise well-spoken young man.... as long as he doesn't start referring to me as "dawg" or "O.G.", for then i shall be forced to release the hounds. :Spin:

so c'mon guys.. anybody else need an M-Audio Delta 44 sound card and break-out box set-up? if so, tell me why you should be the one to get it and i'll pack it up and ship it out to whoever a) seems to need it most, and b) tells the best story about why they need it... heh heh heh. but please, only join in if you really need a sound card. so far Diabolic has spoken up... maybe there's a few more of you out there who could use this card, eh?

... werd.
Actually, the real reason why I need it it because my wife and I have a newbord son, I have no money for gear, I use a SB extigy soundcard and I know I could sell the PACKAGE the soundcard came in from "James Murphy" for 3 billion dollars on Ebay. MWAHAHA!!
James Murphy said:
MR NINE said:
now, now... just having a little fun with our friend bs...the occasional "yo" here and there is fine from this otherwise well-spoken young man.... as long as he doesn't start referring to me as "dawg" or "O.G.", for then i shall be forced to release the hounds. :Spin:

so c'mon guys.. anybody else need an M-Audio Delta 44 sound card and break-out box set-up? if so, tell me why you should be the one to get it and i'll pack it up and ship it out to whoever a) seems to need it most, and b) tells the best story about why they need it... heh heh heh. but please, only join in if you really need a sound card. so far Diabolic has spoken up... maybe there's a few more of you out there who could use this card, eh?

... werd.

Sounds like James is askin' for a little Quid Pro Quo, yo. Ok that was bad I was just adding to the Ancient Latin Hip-Hop vibe I will stop now and leave the thread in shame.
evildonkeymaster said:
James Murphy said:
Sounds like James is askin' for a little Quid Pro Quo, yo. Ok that was bad I was just adding to the Ancient Latin Hip-Hop vibe I will stop now and leave the thread in shame.
Taurus Excreta Cerebrum Vincit, muthahfuckah! :tickled:
Okay, so the reason why I need a Delta 44 card is because I gotta record my roommats emo bands. Actually one sounds emo the other sounds like noise emo with a tiny bit of "we dont' practice and we want a live sound." I've been working late nights at the factory so I can afford the Delta 44. I mean, over time isn't easy and plus I'm trying to adopt kids from all races/genders. Why? So I can have backing vocals on the emo tracks. Nothing like kid gang vocals for those empowering emo words. Plus with the Delta 44 I hear I can get a $1,000 off a Real Doll. I know thats like taking off the shipping for one but its a Real Doll. A Real Doll and a Delta 44. Also I would be recording emo with something James Murphy has touched. The last time anything like this has happened is when I bought a Sanamp PSA-1 off ebay from Lyle Workman. I mean, I didn't really keep the PSA-1 for long, but dammit man. True story I'm telling you. All I need is this thermos and this chair and this statue and I'll go,
that's all I need. True story. I swear. Okay, plus if you give me the Delta 44 I will send you both their demos. End plee for free sound card.
I'll write you a metal song screaming at you why I need it and post it for all to hear. how bout that? Let's make it a battle of the metal songs! hehe. Eh?
DIOBOLIC5150 said:
I'll write you a metal song screaming at you why I need it and post it for all to hear. how bout that? Let's make it a battle of the metal songs! hehe. Eh?

Actually that sounds a lot more fun. I'm down wit it. West SIDE!!!!!!!!
I need it because I must raise fund to buy a Mac and Digital Performah, Caparison guitars (which I'll play with Jimy picks) and Framus Preamp (which I'll play with gain at 6) ;)

Also, I love to wear caps backwards too :devil:

Oh, and I don't have any unhealthy attraction for sheeps ! And I know a lot french girls...

Muahahaha !!! :Smokedev: