Peace sells, again?

Lyrically, yes. Sound wise, no.

System was a step in the right direction and the more I listen to United it feels like a step back. There are only a small handful of good songs on that album so I hope Dave and company kick it up a notch on the next release.

youth is the only megadeth album where every song is in a downtuned key :erk:
TSHF was definitely their thrashiest record since RIP. They need to do more shit like that.

Yes, indeed! Let's hope so! I do like UA, but System is heavier. The opening track on UA had ya' thinking (upon first listen)that the whole album was going to be a thrash onslaught. But, well.....good album, I just expected a little more thrash.
TSHF was definitely their thrashiest record since RIP. They need to do more shit like that.

I humbly disgree. After "Risk" and the weak TWNAH (from where I like 2-3 songs top) I was expecting a lot fro TSHF and to me inded failed. I found the album lacking cohesion, boring and uninspired, not even 'Kick The Chair' moved me. UA is not a great album but is more cohesive to me except for the atrocious remake of 'A Tout Le Monde". So basically IMO there is NOT a single album that has thrash not eben a bit the way they did in RIP, they're not a thrash band anymore, but they play good metal tho'.

NP: Devil's Slingshot - 'Nederland'
I think saying a song like 'Kick the Chair' isn't thrash is just wrong

You think is thash, I don't. Such is life in the tropics :) Disagreement is as vital for the lfve of forum as agreement is, otherwise it becomes a boring fanboy club.

Cheers :kickass:
I loved UA. It was catchy and well written. I can listen to the [/CENTER]disc front-to-back without skipping any songs. And for Megadeth (at least to my listening preferences) that's a rarity.

Hopefully they keep Sneap on board to produce and mix because it was one of the best sounding Megadeth albums to date.

TSHF was great too. After TWNAH and the godawful Risk, Megadeth is back on track.
I disagree I think it's the best album after RIP. But I'll be happy if they return at least to the "Youthanasia" point.

I'd like Peace Sells a lot more if the production was better and you didn't have to turn it up ridiculously loud [not a fan of remasters either]. Can you imagine My Last Words with some beefy sound? Hooo mama!
I loved UA. It was catchy and well written. I can listen to the [/CENTER]disc front-to-back without skipping any songs. And for Megadeth (at least to my listening preferences) that's a rarity.

Hopefully they keep Sneap on board to produce and mix because it was one of the best sounding Megadeth albums to date.

TSHF was great too. After TWNAH and the godawful Risk, Megadeth is back on track.

i like risk but TWNAH sounds like uninspired filler
I have the same problem with TSHF, still UA is not the answer to what the fans want which is basically another PSBWB or RIP.

the difference though is TWNAH every song sounds like a remake of an older and better megadeth song.almost as if they were like "hey its been 2 years since the last album and we need something new". i liked UA and TSHF
I really liked TWNAH [Dread And The Fugitive Mind has one of my favourite Megadeth solos EVER!] and Risk is nowhere near as bad as it's made out to be - still though I'd love another 'Rust'.
the difference though is TWNAH every song sounds like a remake of an older and better megadeth song.almost as if they were like "hey its been 2 years since the last album and we need something new". i liked UA and TSHF

Probably you're right I didn't wasted much time listening to it, didn't grab me at first spins same with TSHF. UA did catched me and I got it even if the remake of Á Tout Le Monde' hangs heavily over the album like a curse.

I think that reagrdless of what Dave may say the final product will be the case for judgement, and everyone of us will make its own decision in due time.
I really liked TWNAH [Dread And The Fugitive Mind has one of my favourite Megadeth solos EVER!] and Risk is nowhere near as bad as it's made out to be - still though I'd love another 'Rust'.

dread was already on the capitol punishment hits album from like 2000.
TWNAH was mostly just a continuation of the stuff they were doing on CW, but just not as good. I think TSHF is a very strong effort, and one of my favourite Megadeth albums, and i was really dissapointed upon first listen of UA that is wasn't in the same vein as TSHF.

I hope they come out with something that mixes the commercial hard rock and slightly less than thrash metal of CW with some of the totally hyperspeed stuff from PSBWB and SFSGSW with the fast tech stuff from Rust.

My favourite is Rust, seconded by CTE and CW, followed by TSHF.
Killing is actually a way better album than PSBWB IMO, but that's just cos it sounds heaps more evil.

Either way, they've never made St.Anger, i mean, even Risk was awesome, it's not metal at all but the songs are just great listenable songs.