
Dan Swanö

The Watcher
Nov 3, 2001
Howdy folks...
Just back from a meeting in Finspång.
Me, Boss, Dread, Benny and Lindberg talked and talked for 2 and a half hour about Me doing Edge without them and about Crimson II and stuff.
It's now officially OK with the other members of EOS that I do Crimson II, and that feels so goddamned great!!
I agreed to think about the definitive "Farewell" gig from EOS next summer, somewhere cool..most likely in Germany.
The line-up would probably be Cryptic line-up without Sami + me!! Kicking out some classics. This is like 2% happening right now, so don't take anything for granted OK!!! I have found yet another vocalist for the Crimson II sessions. Mr. Jonas Granvik from Without Grief (RIP) will together with Rogga from Paganizer take care of the low growling and if things work out, Peter Tägtgren will do the highpitched stuff. I will do all the clean stuff. Right now I am in the stage where I will start to align the lyrics. I have 2 complete lyrics to choose from (luxury!!) may the best man win!!!
See ya
hey Dan how about me going to those Crimson II rehearsals?
I'll be in Göteborg,research purposes only hehe
I'll bring the beers! A few gigs in Germany. I ever wanted to be on a EoS-Gig. That would be great. If it should be a great Session u should play @ Wacken Open Air 2004. Sign up for the greatest Metal Open Air in Germany. And if u decided to come...there r many other asskicking Bands like Nasum, The Project Hate MCMXCIX and so on u can bring them with u to have a very nice Sweden kicks Germany Asses @ Wacken Open Air 2004 Session :loco:

Btw. Germany has many good stuff like beer, beer and beer... come from north to kick some Metalasses and join us to trink some good beers :)

What do u say ?