Pearl Jam

Benighted1 said:
I suppose Pearl Jam are talented
at making shitty music

Grammar Lesson: You're supposed to say
"Pearl Jam make great music...for me to poop on!!!!"

triumph owns!!!

well I quite disagree...but it's your right to think so...
DegradationTrip said:
Give me some arguments.

well what is good about them? They are sooo mediocre. They aren't innovative, Original, progressive or intelligent. They have influenced a whole lot of shitty bands that polute rock radio stations e.g Puddle of Mudd, Creed, Nickleback etc etc. you may say this isn't their fault they were before them but I say that makes it worse!!!!
Eddie Vedder has one of the worst voices in rock (in my opinion) and again, this has influenced alot of crappy american bands to immitate him.
I just think they are middle of the road rubbish and do not offer anything interesting or special to rock/metal in general.
They are just the very defination of the corporate rock sound in my eyes and I don't really understand what an Opeth fan would find good about them as these two bands are at the opposite end of the spectrum. Opeth are very intelligent with their song writing, have a one of a kind sound, are genre defining and produce quality album after quality album. None of this can be said for Pearl Jam...

Of course this is just my opinion, I just find it very strange that there are so many Pearl Jam fans in an Opeth forum, wouldn't have picked it.
Benighted1 said:
Of course this is just my opinion, I just find it very strange that there are so many Pearl Jam fans in an Opeth forum, wouldn't have picked it.

I'd like to adress the "definition of corporate rock sound" argument

It's those "shitty" bands you were talking about that made the sound corporate. By chance they love pearl jam and were inspired by them...
It doesn't make pearl jam shitty for not changing their style 180 degrees just because a lot of bands are copying their style,that would be comforming in a way and pearl jam are non comformists
besides, puddle of mudd released their debut album in 2001...pj released their last album in 2002(not counting Lost Dogs and Greatest Hits) which sounded nothing like puddle of mudd...
as for Creed...well they're Christian Rock with a singer that has a similar voice to Vedder,that's all.
as for the etc etc bands...well, their left somewhere in the dust will be forgotten after their second album which will probably be a flop.

maybe they will change their style 180 degrees in the next album, who knows...
still you have the right to your opinion as I have to mine...
agree to disagree would be the term
Benighted1 said:
well what is good about them? They are sooo mediocre. They aren't innovative, Original, progressive or intelligent. They have influenced a whole lot of shitty bands that polute rock radio stations e.g Puddle of Mudd, Creed, Nickleback etc etc. you may say this isn't their fault they were before them but I say that makes it worse!!!!
Eddie Vedder has one of the worst voices in rock (in my opinion) and again, this has influenced alot of crappy american bands to immitate him.
I just think they are middle of the road rubbish and do not offer anything interesting or special to rock/metal in general.
They are just the very defination of the corporate rock sound in my eyes and I don't really understand what an Opeth fan would find good about them as these two bands are at the opposite end of the spectrum. Opeth are very intelligent with their song writing, have a one of a kind sound, are genre defining and produce quality album after quality album. None of this can be said for Pearl Jam...

Of course this is just my opinion, I just find it very strange that there are so many Pearl Jam fans in an Opeth forum, wouldn't have picked it.

Your argument is mediocre, but pearl jam certainly are not. Saying eddie vedder one of the worst voices in rock doesnt really count as an argument against the band because thats not based on anything except your personal preference. The band is full of talented musicians however. Mike McCreedy and Stone gossard are excellent guitarists and very versatile. THe band playes like 300 different songs live, probably even more. If that's not versatility in playing live, i dont know what is.

As far as calling them corporate rock, thats completely baseless. In fact pearl jam are like the opposite of corporate rock. When mtv gave them an award for the jeremy music video, they accepted the award by saying how it meant nothing to, and essentially told everyone off. THey didnt make another video after that until they teamed up with some famous visual artist to make a video for "do the evolution." I dont know if you saw that video, but it was really cool and well done. They also dont saturate the radio with singles off of new albums and they would never have corporate producers coming in to make their albums for them. They just aren't a corporate band in any way. As far as influencing all those bands you just named that sound like them, thats not their fault. If you really want to take a piss on a band for influencing other bands, just flame the beatles or led zeppelin.
"They aren't innovative, Original, progressive or intelligent."

innovative- When pearl jam came out.. how many bands sounded like them before? Damn! they helped create a new genre that basically changed the world!

Original- having 100 eddie's in this world that came 10 years after pearl jam doesn't make them "unoriginal". In fact, i fnd their music very original and i can tell it's pearl jam as much as i can tell it's opeth just by listening one riff.

Progressive- Do yourself a favor, listen to yield all the way through Riot Act... then come here again and say they're not progressive... they might not be in the "progressive genre", but they could be as well, being that progressive means to progress.

Intelligent- LEt's see... they stopped making videos, releasing singles, they turned down their deal with their label just to gain more power over their music, they stopped playing "grunge" music much before it stopped being HOT, they took ticketmaster to court, etc... yes, i think they're very silly, especially when you want to be music industry's bitch of the month
well.. just because i like you Tubbs.... metallica and nirvana are two most overrated bands ever... except that metallica had 4 good albums and nirvana had like 4 good songs
Oh yeah... they sure weren't overrated back then. Didn't think of that at the moment I posted!

Yeah their first 4 albums were good. I cannot stand the 5th (Black Album) because I can hear nearly the entire thing being played on the radio every day and I am tired of it. (At least more than half of the songs.)

- Okay, so Metallica (even now) is a bit better than Nirvana
LOL, i was reading the link posted by benighted, it's pretty funny, i reccomend it, i was crying of laughter when i read this:

#2 Mmmph..mumble...hhh..ahh..furgle...miff....WHAT?!

Do you know why Pearl Jam always includes their lyrics with their CD's? No, it's not because their songs all have deep meanings. It's because no one can understand a damn word Eddie Vedder is saying! Seriously! What's his deal? He can talk fine. We all know this from listening to him mouth off about how horrible everyone is for not saving the trees! Why can't he transfer his enunciation to his music? One of the funniest things I ever heard was on a Pearl Jam Live Concert CD. He says to the audience: "I want you to listen closely to this next song because it has a deep meaning to me." or some crap like that. Then the music starts and he begins mumbling again! What is that?! I'm starting to wonder if maybe you get a special Eddie Vedder Decoder Pen when you sign up for the fan club. That way only club members can understand the messages he's trying to get across. I wouldn't put it past him.

i completely agree teletubby, the black album was very, very bad!! and then came the rest... pfff.... all the magic was gone with cliff
Benighted1 said:
Fucken Jesus.. they are the most shit band ever and have spawned a whole lot of wanabe bands that are even more shit.
Can't believe any self-respecting Opeth fan likes them to be honest!
They are so goddam BORING & talentless!!!!

if you want good early 90's rock, listen to Alice in Chains!!!!
To Benighted1: I agree, but you should be more respecting of others taste instead of talking like a jackass all the time.
:tickled: You moron. :tickled:
worldwide_suicide said:
One of the funniest things I ever heard was on a Pearl Jam Live Concert CD. He says to the audience: "I want you to listen closely to this next song because it has a deep meaning to me." or some crap like that. Then the music starts and he begins mumbling again! What is that?! I'm starting to wonder if maybe you get a special Eddie Vedder Decoder Pen when you sign up for the fan club.

Can't stop laughing!!!!!

Pj's one of my most beloved bands ever. Cant wait till they go on tour to the UK, gonna follow them around the whole country, even tho i wasnt really following what theyve been up to recently. Yes, and i agree to most of the stuff said here bout PJ/AiC/SG. :worship:

Gonna listen to Vs now, havent listened to that for about a year, i think.

Another edit. Just realised Ive actually got 3 PJ posters in my room. You just stop noticing them after a while...