Peavey 5150 Hi vs. Low Input


Jul 27, 2005
i wonder if you guys prefer using the hi gain input over the low gain one on the 5150 or vice versa?
i'm kinda struggling with some undefined lows (not a tube issue, already tried several preamp tubes), it seems like i can't get the bass and resonance past noon or it will start to get flubby. just for the sake of it i just tried to plug into the low input using an sd1 as a boost....well, i haven't had it at band volume (yet), but at medium volumes that somehow seems to do the trick.

of course, having to turn the gain higher when using the low gain input is going to add some noise, so i can see how that might turn some people off.

and btw, i'm running the gain at 10:00 going straight in when using the hi input at band volume, and with the low input i just had it at 11:00 using the sd1 as a clean boost (no gain added, volume cranked).

any thoughts?

ah yeah, this is when using the lead channel...somehow the crunch channel has an assload more low mids but can get muddy fast, pretty much unusable with out a ts to clean up the lows. seems kinda strange to me, as most people seem to think the crunch channel is tighter
i personally use the hi gain input playing at band levels and recording....but I don't think it effects your tone, just raises the db level.
"High gain input really rocks, to my ears it has more mids."

interesting, because i though the exact opposite was the case. the low gain input had more of that hotrodded marshall thing going on...more mids, smoother highs, clearer (but less) bass.
tomorrow i'll have another band practice, so i'll be able to check and verify it at band volumes. stay tuned :)
Bumping an old thread...

I use the high gain input, but I really haven't experimented much with the normal gain input.

The 5150 II only has one input... is that the equivalent of the normal gain input on the 5150?
My co-guitarist/suitemate at school who I sold my 5150 combo to had a pretty cool idea that seems obvious but never occurred to me - he uses the low gain input so the green channel can actually function as a clean channel with some decent headroom, and just raises the gain on the red channel to compensate (and uses a TS7 for anything in between).
Seriously, it seems so obvious, but just never clicked with me. I should mention that since the combos are apparently biased warmer than any of the heads, they inherently have more potential for a better clean tone with more headroom, so I'm not sure how well it'd work on a non bias-modded head - can't hurt to try, though!
Well, I use only the low-input, and I have never understood the complaints about the clean channel. In fact, I even get complements on my clean tone. So maybe the problem is the high-input? I'll have to try it.
No it's not about high or low output pickups like on bass amplifiers (inputs for active or passive pickups), it's really high gain sound and low gain sound.

But isn't that high gain/low gain sound is selected by using the green or led channel, and the inputs have different input impedance?

Edit: just checked the manual and it says that normal input has a 6dB pad, but it doesn't have that much gain (more preamp tubes are used in high gain input path). So both of us were right ;)