Peavey 6505 power amp output recorded direct


Jan 31, 2006
Since micing my 6505 in my house isn't really a viable option at 11:00PM at night, I have resorted to going back to impulses/cab sims. It sucks, but its not a perfect world now, is it? That being said, I really dig the results I've been getting with Recabinet 3, which I have sadly overlooked for a long while even though I purchased it some time ago.

For the setup I ran the power amp output of my 6505 into a Weber Mega Dump power attenuator which has a line out output on the back. From there I simply ran it into an M-Audio Fast Track Pro, then into Recabinet. I prefer the sound of the power amp incorporated into the direct signal over the preamp out of the 6505. Anyway, enough talk, here's some examples and I hope you like the sound. I've already re-recorded half my never-to-be-finished album this way. This shit is getting done.

New riffs

Old song
what bass u used for ''old song'' man? :O
it has amazingsound!! what u used?
anyway, i like your ideas :D if you need any vocals i can give it a try :)
really good tone. what did you use in recabinet? some info?

One side is an equal blend of the Ogre and Oversize cabs with the 57 mic and the other side a single Oversize cab with a 57 mic. The only EQ is within the Recabinet plugin. I added 3dbs of highs and cut low mids.
Just WOW!
What model of soundgear is it?

Its a Soundgear SR300. The active EQ it has goes a long way for shaping the tone. I used the Soundgear for the "Old Song". The track titled New riffs is a Fender P Bass however, but its the exact same bass settings in the PODX3 for both basses and both songs.
you never cease to amaze me with your drum tones, can you give some info on them please?

Thanks. To be honest, the setup I use now is very simple. With the exception of the triggered kick drum, toms, and wet snare reverb, I route all the Superior 2.0 drums (overheads, hats and snare mics) into one stereo channel in Cubase. All compression and EQ on the snare hats and OHs are done in Superior drummer. The kick is 100% triggered as I mentioned. I eq and limit the toms in Cubase. All these channels have sends to a parallel compressor (Waves Rcomp) and then everything is bussed into a master drum bus where I use Kramer Master Tape to saturate. I love that plugin. So in all, 4 trakcs for drums routed to a parallel group and master group.

In Superior I've got a hybrid kit going. Crashes and toms are Avatar kit. Snare is Hit Factory Trick Snare. Also running is the reverb only output from the Metal Machine John Tempesta snare. Kick is Ludwig Stainless Steel from Hit Factory but the direct mic ends up being used for the trigger.

Superior output 1: Snare, hats, overheads
Superior output 2: Kick (Triggered with sample)
Superior output 3: Reverb from Metal Machine Snare
Superior output 4: Toms

Hope this helps
Thanks. To be honest, the setup I use now is very simple. With the exception of the triggered kick drum, toms, and wet snare reverb, I route all the Superior 2.0 drums (overheads, hats and snare mics) into one stereo channel in Cubase. All compression and EQ on the snare hats and OHs are done in Superior drummer. The kick is 100% triggered as I mentioned. I eq and limit the toms in Cubase. All these channels have sends to a parallel compressor (Waves Rcomp) and then everything is bussed into a master drum bus where I use Kramer Master Tape to saturate. I love that plugin. So in all, 4 trakcs for drums routed to a parallel group and master group.

In Superior I've got a hybrid kit going. Crashes and toms are Avatar kit. Snare is Hit Factory Trick Snare. Also running is the reverb only output from the Metal Machine John Tempesta snare. Kick is Ludwig Stainless Steel from Hit Factory but the direct mic ends up being used for the trigger.

Superior output 1: Snare, hats, overheads
Superior output 2: Kick (Triggered with sample)
Superior output 3: Reverb from Metal Machine Snare
Superior output 4: Toms

Hope this helps

wow thankyou so much for the details. :worship:
Guitars sound great. In fact, everything sounds great, so please stop fucking around and finish this album already!

In all seriousness though, what exactly keeps you from finishing the album? Is it that there's stuff that still need to be recorded, songwriting isn't finished, or you just don't have enough time to mix it?
Guitars sound great. In fact, everything sounds great, so please stop fucking around and finish this album already!

In all seriousness though, what exactly keeps you from finishing the album? Is it that there's stuff that still need to be recorded, songwriting isn't finished, or you just don't have enough time to mix it?

Haha! Dude, this shit has taken me so long its just plain pathetic. Its just a bad cliche now....'the album's almost done'....blah! Having 2 kids puts a SERIOUS damper on moving the production along. I can only really mix when I have long stretches of time and I rarely get that. So what I end up doing in the short stretches is fucking with amp sounds, drum sounds, things you can just tinker with for a few minutes and then drop it. Then when I actually go into my old Cubase project files to finish old mixes, its such a cluster fuck I just get hung up on different things. Most of the old songs were done with Cubase SX and each time I upgrade, something doesn't transfer over quite right, old plugins are not compatible, so on and on. So basically I cringe at the thought of having to wade through all of that exquisite bullshit, but goddammit, I'm actually on a bit of a roll right now since I've had my 6505. My attempts at reamping with my old DI guitar tracks sounded like complete ass so I've been rerecording ALL of the old shit and its strangely easier that way. Plus, I'm committing an amp tone to 'tape' so that leaves me one less thing I can fuck with later. OMG a knew aMp siM came out so i must haz it. No more of that bullshit.
Haha! Dude, this shit has taken me so long its just plain pathetic. Its just a bad cliche now....'the album's almost done'....blah! Having 2 kids puts a SERIOUS damper on moving the production along. I can only really mix when I have long stretches of time and I rarely get that. So what I end up doing in the short stretches is fucking with amp sounds, drum sounds, things you can just tinker with for a few minutes and then drop it. Then when I actually go into my old Cubase project files to finish old mixes, its such a cluster fuck I just get hung up on different things. Most of the old songs were done with Cubase SX and each time I upgrade, something doesn't transfer over quite right, old plugins are not compatible, so on and on. So basically I cringe at the thought of having to wade through all of that exquisite bullshit, but goddammit, I'm actually on a bit of a roll right now since I've had my 6505. My attempts at reamping with my old DI guitar tracks sounded like complete ass so I've been rerecording ALL of the old shit and its strangely easier that way. Plus, I'm committing an amp tone to 'tape' so that leaves me one less thing I can fuck with later. OMG a knew aMp siM came out so i must haz it. No more of that bullshit.

I think I have an idea of what you're going through, but man, your music is so awesome and you also have 2 great singers, it would be such a shame if all of this never gets heard. I wish there was some way I could help.
For what is worth, I truly believe that the overall sound you have going right now is fucking great and you should feel confident and commit to this "template" and mix the album based on it.