Peavey 6534

I disagree on both points. The 5150 and 5150 II are both equally great, and sound exactly the same if dialed right. Also, EL34s have smoother top end in my experience.

Not true; the 5150II has definitely twangier and more top-end based, while the 5150 has more of a low mid roar. I've had them side by side, and swapped tubes between to nullify tube-based differences, and they are definitely voiced differently.

The brittle upper end I'm referring to with EL34's is more of an upper midrange frequency than a top end, but it is brittle nonetheless.
Am I the only one who thinks this is a really stupid idea? The 5150II sucks compared to the 5150 to begin with, and then they added EL34's? Talk about harsh, brittle top end!

EL34s won't necessarily make an amp overly bright or brittle, though they do generally have tighter low end and a more prominent midrange (maybe the midrange is what you're referring to?). Look at amps like the VHT CL100, Bogner Uberschall, Diezel Herbert/Einstein, Mesa Recto (with EL34s installed), etc. etc. etc.

In my opinion, the 6505/6505+ are amps that could definitely benefit from the midrange clarity and tightness of EL34 tubes, as long as the preamp is voiced right. So many people are using Tube Screamers to boost mids and tighten lows; the EL34 power tubes could be a great solution.
So many people are using Tube Screamers to boost mids and tighten lows; the EL34 power tubes could be a great solution.

The two things are not similar really, as a TS goes before the preamp, which as you know provides all the gain. Power valves are obviously after the preamp so more midrange in the power section does not have the effect of tightening the preamp up like the TS does.

Also in my experience Jeff is right, EL34's tend to be brittle motherfuckers.
The two things are not similar really, as a TS goes before the preamp, which as you know provides all the gain. Power valves are obviously after the preamp so more midrange in the power section does not have the effect of tightening the preamp up like the TS does.

That's true, and it's definitely not the same concept as using a Tube Screamer, but I was referring more to the things EL34 tend to impart to the tone:
1. More midrange emphasis / presence
2. Tighter low end
These are the two reasons many of us use the Tube Screamer. I realize it's a different path to get there, but I was talking more about the resulting effect on the tone, and not so much about how it works on a technical level.
I'm with Shane on this one. El34s in my XXX tame the shit out of the top end. I always thought it was a bitch to tweak the XXX because of no presence knob (stupid idea) but the 34s did exactly what I needed them to do for the tone that I go after.

You realize the gain on the ultra channel acts as a presence knob when using the crunch channel, right?
Yes I do but if you actually use both channels live (which I do) this won't work so... useless feature in a live setting. Why make a 3 channel amp if only 2 channels can be used if thats the case? Put the knob on the amp, plenty of room next to the master knob... I love the amp but that's gotta be the dumbest thing with this amp.
Yes I do but if you actually use both channels live (which I do) this won't work so... useless feature in a live setting. Why make a 3 channel amp if only 2 channels can be used if thats the case? Put the knob on the amp, plenty of room next to the master knob... I love the amp but that's gotta be the dumbest thing with this amp.
+1, I never really found a use for the Ultra channel so it never bothered me much, but I can completely agree how useless it could be in a live setting
I always found 6l6 to have a cleaner and tighter low end, el34's tend to sound crunchy pretty fast while 6l6 stays cleaner till the end.
they should make a KT88 version instead for an extra clean poweramp.
I'm with Shane on this one. El34s in my XXX tame the shit out of the top end. I always thought it was a bitch to tweak the XXX because of no presence knob (stupid idea) but the 34s did exactly what I needed them to do for the tone that I go after.

You do know that the dampening control on the back acts as a combined resonance/presence control right? Not as flexible as having dials for each one but it works pretty well for me.
el34s tend to break up a little more than 6l6`s do, which of course compresses the sound a little bit. the "tighter" low end that people describe is due to the fact that there is less breakup, and more headroom.

el34s can add a glassy feel, and are nice for certain stuff, but I prefer 6l6 myself.
I think its funny that they did this rather than just adding a bias switch like the recto. one more reason why I would take a recto over a 5150 any day if I had to choose.
The two things are not similar really, as a TS goes before the preamp, which as you know provides all the gain. Power valves are obviously after the preamp so more midrange in the power section does not have the effect of tightening the preamp up like the TS does.

This is untrue. The basic function of gain stages applies that the input impedance of one stage effects the output impedance of the previous stage. This can effect the amplifier by poor design causing blocking distortion or an altered resonance of the miller frequency. While these will be minor they will be there.

Also you have to take in effect that the reactance of the power tubes change (from two of the same type of different brands, even to two different types of tubes). The reactance curve of an EL34, as well as its difference in headroom and input/output impedances will cause a different coloration than a 6L6.

Its not tightening up the preamp that you would use different tubes, its the additional coloration and saturation characteristics that you prefer.

el34s tend to break up a little more than 6l6`s do, which of course compresses the sound a little bit. the "tighter" low end that people describe is due to the fact that there is less breakup, and more headroom.

you just contradicted yourself a bit, most people hear are saying EL34's are tighter, not 6L6's. EL34's break up sooner, and have more mids/less bass, this gives them more crunch and less cloudy, woofy low end that we associate with loose low end.

I think its funny that they did this rather than just adding a bias switch like the recto. one more reason why I would take a recto over a 5150 any day if I had to choose.

much more to adding EL34's than biasing the amp, and a very cheap 30 minute DIY can give you an adjustable bias. To be honest the tolerances, and amount of current being pulled by the two amps are different, all the way to to the heater filaments (EL34's have almost double the heater current than 6L6's) so if the power transformer is having more current being drawn from it than the transformer can handle, it oveheates and you kill your amp. A few other mods need to be done, a few resistors need to be beefed up to higher power resistors. Even though EL34's total output power is less than a 6L6, they place a larger demand on your amp.

To note however, the 6534+ would be only a bias mod away from being able to drop 6L6's in it as well as KT77' and KT88's if the tube sockets are wide enough, which they should be because of the larger screen resistors that would be required in a 34 setup would not fit in the sized down circuit of the 5150/6505 MKI and MKII.
^those clips are horrible. I heard them before and theres no way you can tell the characteristics of the amps by that.
Im not really contradicting myself, If anything YOU are contradicting your self. Im not trying to start a fueled internet debate, but if a tube breaks up more than another, wouldnt it be safe to say that IT DOESNT HAVE AS MUCH HEADROOM AS THE TUBE THAT DOESNT BREAK UP AS MUCH?
despite what you think everyone is saying, I know from experience that 6l6`s are much tighter and focused sounding. I dont know what anyone who thinks that el34s are tighter is smoking. I agree that they do sound pretty dope in the right applications, and that tightness is subjective.

I consider tight low end to be low end that is PRESENT (not cut of by a hp filter) and and has lots of headroom and doesnt break up.

I think thats the reason why the solid state rectifier is better for tight metal tones.

Now, If I had all the "knowledge" of tube amps you have, then I would just build my own, why would I bother buying a second amp just to have el34s?

I hate when people try to convince others by trying to throw a bunch of shit they dont understand (that probably doesnt make sense) to try to confuse you into thinking they are right :goggly:

anyways, no internet debate. you may prefer the chimey highs and mid range that el34s offer, but I personally prefer in your face scooped tones with lots of low end, so I`ll stick with 6l6
+1, I never really found a use for the Ultra channel so it never bothered me much, but I can completely agree how useless it could be in a live setting

Well I disagree there, I actually only use the ultra channel, since I find the crunch channel to fizzy for me. btw my XXX has 6L6 tubes. EL34 are aftermarket, right?

I had no idea that the gain on the ultra channel works as a presence knob on the crunch channel