Peavey JSX - Not enough gain?

That is nice and tight in the low-end. Might do with some more gain though. I am no expert, I am reamping this track daily to get a better idea of getting a good tone. It sounds quite middy/boxy though. Up the Gain a little and cut some mids maybe. What cab and mic are you using? What was the Gain on for that sample?
GuitarHack, it was recorded on a small room, problably that´s why it sounds boxy. I reamped each gtr 2 times, on both channels, so gain on Crunch channel is at max (!), on the Ultra channel is about 7. It definetely should have more gain... It´s a Laney cab with V30, mic is a sm57.
Having a JSX I will say that teh Crunch channel needs a TS to get metal gain levels. It also sounds better because it's alot more compressed. The Ultra channel with gain on seven is what I run too, but with a TS it just sounds so much better, absolutely ball-crushingly tight and saturated. Without it, it can sound a bit empty and thin.
The TS also adds the lowend tightness and attack characteristics which really suit the JSX.

Oh btw, I'm using a Digitech Badmonkey as a clean boost. They do the job.
^ Thanks Nebulous, great input on that. Yeah you´ve said it all I´m getting empty and thin sounds. For some stuff it its perfectly fine. For what I´m trying to achieve is a bit weak. But I´m saving some money from my job at another studio to get a TS. Thanks for pointing out the Badmonkey, I´ll give it a try.
Yeah, that's one point to note, using a TS will mean having to reduce the channel gain. When I use a boost my channel gain goes from 7 to 3-4. It is pretty drastic, but that is with the level on the BM all the way up.