First JSX Test

With my XSr™ I can safely say the noise gate doesn't do a damn thing. Not worth worrying about anyway. I use a BOSS NS-2 in the chain before the input and it works perfectly fine.

And like DSS3, to back up what he said, I also prefer my XSr™ over the 5150 I had without question. It's just a cleaner, tighter, more versatile amp. Like I said before, it's everything the 5150 is, and then some.

No, the gate does do something, and if you can't hear it... then I don't know what to say. Crank the gain and volume up, leave the guitars volume off, and play with the knob.

It reduces hiss - it's a POST preamp gate, not a pre preamp gate, like most of us use to kill feedback and idle pickup noise during pauses in songs. For that reason, I still run an NS-2 in front.
so the gate doesn't do too well? What is your running a milder pickup like a duncan JB instead of emg81?

Like I said - the gate is a POST preamp gate, like having a gate in your loop. It cuts down on amp hiss and whatnot, but it's not going to kill sound from idle pickups and prevent feedback at high volumes like a gate before the input will.

That said, the JB isn't a mild pickup at all compared to the 81 - they have quite similar outputs.
Wow, those Treble and Mid settings are pretty surprising. Mine are on 6.5 and 2 respectively. These EL34's really don't do the amp justice. The mids are way over the top. I guess I should do as I mentioned in another thread, take advantage of the ecconomy and order some 6L6's and shut the hell up about the EL34's haha.
Yeah, I have my gain cranked a little more on the 808 too. I'm a gain "miser", I try to keep all I can in there.:heh: So I turn the gain up to ridiculous or "Insane" and back off till the fizz is out. That OD808 is worth it's weight in fucking gold too! I'm sleeping with mine, currently.:p
well i am totally sold on trading my rectoverb combo for the jsx.

dss3 have you at since this post tried the amp with the stock jjel34's the one i'm getting comes with them i'm anxious to see the difference between them.

on edit: he is throwing in a pair of TAD 6L6GC's i'm not sure i've never dealt or read about them can anyone help on this???
I tried the amp with EL34's and didn't like it as much as with 6L6's, but the difference wasn't HUGE.

I've since sold it to Audiophile, though. I believe he prefers it the same way... not quite sure, though.
Hey dds3, can you reuplaod clips? I had them on my hard drive, but I can't find them. I need to play them to friend who wants to put 85 in brigde position.