Peavey JSX Satriani top?

I think if Peavey would take the JS name off it and call it a XXX 2, it would sell like hot cakes. It's a fuckin monster amp! Very versatile head, with tons of gain. I just noticed the cost of Peavey heads just went up $100, in the new MF catalog.
I used one to try out a gibson in a shop the other day - and to be honest it was one of the fizziest amps Ive heard in long time - now I hate marshal and I would rather have lived with that scratchy marshal tone than this. Saying that I do sit in front of a mesa for my job! So I do expect alot out of an amp.
I don´t like that amp really much, i´ve compared with a b-52 At 100, and the b52 blow it away!! (and is cheaper too) but that´s just me.

Go for a 5150 or a rectifier, you can go wrong with any of these
I just got one yesterday. After messing around with it in the store for a couple hours, I was sold. I think i'm officially finished looking for my tone for a long time. But that's my opinion. You could be looking for a totally different tone altogether, so try it out for yourself. Make sure to take the time tweaking it and running it with different cabs/setups. I wouldn't buy an amp without trying it out first.
moose209 said:
I used one to try out a gibson in a shop the other day - and to be honest it was one of the fizziest amps Ive heard in long time

IIRC, the JSX has active tone controls, at least on the gain channels. The vast majority of amps, including Marshall and Mesa, have passive tone controls- 10 is full on; you can only cut from there. With active controls, you can boost frequencies as well, so having one of the controls at noon is the equivalent of having 'em cranked on a "normal" amp. So you've gotta dial 'em in a lot differently.

That being said, I've only heard the JSX a few times myself. Sounded vaguely Marshally to me. *shrug*
I've heard these amps are even better if you switch the tubes to 6l6's, while I've heard the XXX sings when you switch it from 6l6's to EL34's...I've also heard this amp kills with a V30 loaded cab...I've only heard one in a live situation once, played by another band we were on a bill with...His tone was crushing.
iirc exodus, arch enemy, and the haunted used these heads live for a couple of months. i wonder why they dropped them, though...
Fragle said:
iirc exodus, arch enemy, and the haunted used these heads live for a couple of months. i wonder why they dropped them, though...

I don't think that Christopher Amott really "dropped" them, he just dropped out of the band. Kind of makes me wonder what kind of gear Fredrik (the new guitar player) is using. I'm guessing Krank.
i'm guessing 5150. i remember seeing a pic that announced him as the new AE guitar player, with his gibson or whatever it was (can't recall right now) and a wall of 5150s behind him.

i guess it was just an endorsement thing really, especially with the haunted who've been using peavey 5150 for quite a while now. they used the jsx heads only in the US which kinda gives me the impression that peavey told them to use the jsx for these shows in order to boost their sales, since the jsx was kinda new back then.
as for exodus, i know that gary is also using peavey because he doesn't want to take his old marshall on the road anymore, apparently it's just too risky. last time i saw exodus he was using a triple XXX, that's why i figured he dropped the jsx in favor of the xxx.
I recently checked out AE, well a few months ago, with the new guitarist. He just layed Christopher's parts down note for note. I got to hang out with him after the show. Really cool guy. We talked about Michael Shenker, and he gave me a couple picks that were 1.5mm. Little thick fuckers! He was using a Black Les Paul Custom into the Krank. Both were using Krankensteins. Great fucking show!
Fredrik is damn good. He did a nice sweep solo thing at the show I went to. Also, I heard he's been trying some ESPs occasionally. I wonder who gave him that idea? :p
No one else finds the idea of a noise gate built into a tube head to be a bit odd, eh?

I guess I did at first, but since it's 2006, maybe it's not such a crazy idea. I prefer the 6505+ to the JSX, but that's just me.

I still think Joes best/most expressive playing is on Not of This Earth - complete with drum machine and all that album has a vibe.

His new album braids ass hair.
Fragle said:
iirc exodus, arch enemy, and the haunted used these heads live for a couple of months. i wonder why they dropped them, though...

When i saw Exodus on their Australian tour a few months back they were still using the JSX. I cna't imagine why they would have dropped them, they sounded fucking HOT. After hearing their tone, and previously playing one myself, im pretty much sold on this amp. I can't wait to get enough $$ saved for one with Mesa cab.:kickass:
i've played these several times, and i really like them...they're quite similar to the xxx amps, just a bit tamed down on the buzzy gain, and meatier sounding IMO

if you're expecting a satch like tone, i think you may be dissapointed...but for great cleans, and some nice heavy rhythm tones i think it's one of the better amps around

not sure if i'd pay $1200 for a new one, simply because i've got other gear priorities...but if i found a good deal on a used one, i'd be all over it