Peavey Supreme XL


New Metal Member
Jun 18, 2007
Hey guys,
is this amp any good for me?

I'm looking into a new amp, mostly a Half-Stack. The Peavey Supreme XL looked like the best. Crate seemed to be very affordable, but I must test it before because I seriously doubt about the quality.

My current amp is a Line6 Spider II 112 Combo. I can get a decent tone with it, but it is missing a Solid-State or Tube feel. Also, I need more volume because my band is nearly complete, so we will gig as soon as we will be complete.

I'm basically looking for a great affordable solid-state/tube amp. I want at least 2 channels: A clean one and a distortion one. (The Peavey can do it, but I must use clean on the Rythm channel.) I need a lot of gain, keeping a clear sound, and I need sparkling clean. A footswitch and reverb would also be great.

Oh and, the XL's Modern Lead video on seems to fits perfectly my distortion neeeds.

I like the Valve King head and cab (as opposed to the Valve King combos) too and they're close to the same price as the Supreme. I've never heard them side by side but the Valve King should be louder and have better tone. The XXX is really nice, but about twice the price.
the peavey is very affordable but i found the bottom end to be pretty muddy and it has a hissy midrange at times. it may have been the speakers i played it through though.