Peavey tube matching...


Aug 3, 2004
Cody, WY, USA
Does anyone know if Peavey matches quads in their stock tubes for amps, or if they just use two sets of matched pairs? I swapped out some power tubes in my 5150 as a matter of tonal preference, and the tubes I put in are starting to run out of gas, but I forgot to keep track of how the original tubes (which still have plenty of life left in them) were paired, and it'll save me a bunch of money if it doesn't really matter. :p
"matching" is a consumer buzzword that get people all fired up and prepared to spend more money. A tube has certain parameters that it operates in when it is healthy, as long as it is testing out within that framework it is fine. The only matching you should really concern yourself with is matching 6L6's with 6L6's etc.
Double blind tests show that nobody can audibly hear the difference between matched and unmatched tubes of the same flavor.