Peavey Valveking into JTW Impulses


Official Knob Turner
Mar 20, 2013
Been getting into using real amp heads with IRs (for consistency's sake) and I'm really digging it.
Here is my guitarist's Peavey Valveking loaded into the JTW 2x12 421 off axis and the 2x12 57 off axis. After that I load in the pod farm comp, REQ 2, and send it to a buss with API-550b, center, and l1. A little post EQ on the buss channel EQ and you have the tone. I really dig it for old school post hardcore/rock stuff. Guitar I'm using is a Shecter Hellraiser Special with active EMGs.
So far, I've been running into a DI box and sending the through to the amp and having a DI signal simply so I can see the pick attacks clearer and make quantizing easier.
Tell me what you guys think! new song dilly t is gay.mp3
Speaker out into the first input of the Saffire pro 40 with a thick gauge speaker cable.
And you're not blowing up anything?? I wouldn't recommend using a Speaker Out to the interface input...
Regardless of that, I feel that a real amp head + IR's work a lot better than a head + not-so-good cab. Yours sound pretty good :headbang:
I like IRs for consistency. They keep from having a mic getting moved off of a cab and taking hours to find the same placement.
Also, the valveking has an impedance switch, I switch that to the lowest setting, and run it into the input of the pro 40. The first input has a switch to go between line levels and DI instrument, so it's set to a line level, with the pad on just so I can use the tubes a little hotter