Silver Incubus said:
911 was an obvious set up. They wanted more control of the american people. If they tried to pass the patriot act without 911 it would never have gotten through. If you create the problem, you can then offer the solution, less freedom for security. Then the people demand security from the 'terrorists' and they passed the patriot act.

Most people have been manipulated into believing it was terrorist because every news station kept repeating terror, terrorist, bin laden. At a certian point it sinks deep into the pulbic opinion as the truth even though there is no evidence of any of the evidence they claim. Does anyone else find it odd that bin laden never looked the same in any of the videos when compared to actual photographs of him, and the fact that those videos were found in some guy's house?

I really didn't want to have to go here, but I really do feel it necessary. I really do want to believe what you're saying about September 11th, but believing that would mean belieing that the government planned to and did kill my father, along with 3000 other innocent people. I really hope I never feel the need to bring this up again in the forum, because this is the kind of thing that stops a thread dead in its tracks, and I hate when that happens.