Pentagram @ Reggies - Thurs Nov 21

I'd love to go to this. Wish it wasn't so close to the High on Fire show though. High on Fire tours more though, so I may choose this instead.
What is kinda sad is Matt Pike has been in rehab more in recent times than Bobby L!!! ha!!!!

That said, have you ever seen either band?
Both are great live, but come on man, this is Pentagram!!!!!!
Fucking sweet. They are a different with Victor on guitar. It's not exactly the same, but they were still pretty good at MDF this year. I'll be there.

Anyone know what it takes to get on as an opening band at Reggies? Olórin would fucking love to rock this show.

Edit-->Fuck I just realized that this is a Thursday. I have fucking class on Thursday night. Fuck.
Fucking sweet. They are a different with Victor on guitar. It's not exactly the same, but they were still pretty good at MDF this year. I'll be there.

Anyone know what it takes to get on as an opening band at Reggies? Olórin would fucking love to rock this show.

Edit-->Fuck I just realized that this is a Thursday. I have fucking class on Thursday night. Fuck.

have you tried emailing, calling? that usually what does it. It isn't rocket science. Also be freindly and accomadating. Don't say you band sucks and we don't practice.
What is kinda sad is Matt Pike has been in rehab more in recent times than Bobby L!!! ha!!!!

That said, have you ever seen either band?
Both are great live, but come on man, this is Pentagram!!!!!!

Haven't seen either. Read my post again, I did say I would choose Pentagram over High on Fire, especially since idk how much longer Pentagram will be around. Then again, with how many times Pike has been to rehab who knows about High on Fire either. Haha.
Patty Cakes and I are already going.
But yes, of course Simon is invited as long as Sushi is NOT on the menu!

Yeah, I can hook you up with a direct contact at Reggies Yoda, though I see you cant do this one.

You do have to pass a screen though to play there (IE - they have to approve of your music).

Sorry fuckers!! But ANCIENT DREAMS have passed this test!! hahahaha... :)

We were approved for ORANGE GOBLIN, but then the date ended up being too close to ALEHORN.
don't get too excited...Depremecy and Panzer have also been ok'ed by reggies as well. It doesn't take much.

Dont know about Depremacy....
They were a VERY late ad to Reggies, so I really doubt they ran that past Raven's agent.

But yeah, as you said, it primarily takes professionalism.

So note to Yoda - Don't say your usual, "Olorin practiced last night and we sucked as usual" hahahahaha....
Dont know about Depremacy....
They were a VERY late ad to Reggies, so I really doubt they ran that past Raven's agent.

But yeah, as you said, it primarily takes professionalism.

So note to Yoda - Don't say your usual, "Olorin practiced last night and we sucked as usual" hahahahaha....

Yeah, we can't really play the show, but I am still interested in getting that number if it's anything that I can't find on their website.

And yeah, I only say those things as a joke. We take our music seriously, just not ourselves.
I'm not in the habit of shamelessly self-promoting my band. I have links in my sig, and the Pagan Altar banner is there because they are my favorite band.

When it is appropriate to be professional, we are. I just don't think that a forum, where people adopt their own personas, is a place where I have to be super professional and super serious all the time.

Can't we have some fuckin fun!
Yeah man, and we all do have fun.
I think we are all giving honest feedback as friends man....

I know where people are coming from though.

I do remember before Ragnarokkr, I think your exact words were something like:
"Olorin just had our final rehearsal. We were really sloppy and are gonna suck"

Just gotta remember that folks on this forum (either as posters or viewers) are in bands or promote shows.

Sure, none of us are on GEFFEN, but professionalism goes a long way.