People who's usernames are Nevermore songs?

Maybe I should try that whole not taking anything too seriously thing sometime...well,nothing much bothers me,so I don't have anything uh...not to take seriously:rolleyes: :lol:

What shit band is it that has the black winter day song?Black Winter Day sounds like a good song title,IMO anyway.
yeh hes a big savatage fan. shrug. and i doubt my name is from any song. im named after a street in pleasenton california where my mother grew up. all her friends lived on Neal street so uhh yeh there ya go. what relevace does that have? i dont know, dont yell at me.
Yes... mine is a nevermore song.

...Actually... no... sorry... it's a DEATH song...

Sorry. Got Nevermore and Death confused... they are the same band you know? Except one evolved while the other devolved...



Which is better? Well... they are very different styles of music... but if we were to go by timeline, and put TSOP up against DHIADW? well... you know what i mean...

POE,DNB,IM are all perfect... and yet so are ITP, HUMAN and TSOP...

so... hmm... which is better??

Eh... i dunno... maybe... hmm... wow... i'm stumped...!?