New Nevermore Listener

there's more to nevermore's music than tripplets, harmony solos, and 2.5 octave singing thats all i'm saying. iced earth's music is mostly predictable. is that bad? no, they are one of my favorite bands and will be for a while. i just like nevermore much better because they have more talent. keep in mind jon shaffer is iced earth, and i've met him, he's a dick. now i've yet to meet anyone in nevermore, but judging from the posts they've made on the board and the fan interaction i've seen from their live performances i've downloaded, they seem like a much cooler and down to earth group of guys.
none the less i still listen to iced earth. cause i dig his formula and technique because it works. but if i have a choice between listening to nevermore or iced earth in a long car ride, i'd choose nevermore.

when i'm talking with a friend and i say IE i'm referring to into eternity NOT iced earth anymore. hehe
The difference, besides genres, is that Nevermore can write a song. IE can only take disassociated riffs and make a boring pile of shit. At least nowadays.
now i've yet to meet anyone in nevermore...DUDE YOU WILL NOT BE MISSING MUCH....their just a straight back hard rock band.........with no keyboards...
The Moth God said:
^^^Ridiculous, wrong and not worth replying to.:err:
Listen to fucking Frankenstein or any other dull piece of shit they have written on their last five albums. The only reason to listen to Something Wicked is the last three songs and Horror Show is literally just that. I can write dumb galloping riffs, try a new tact, Jon.
hhhmmm, I actually think Horrorshow is the best. Great musicians on it. yes, IE is limited (and NNNOOO comparison to NM), they serve their purpose. correct rebirth, IE is just a straight up metal band.
Actually, Demons and Wizards is ok also, if you can stand the vocals.
AjDeath said:
Listen to fucking Frankenstein or any other dull piece of shit they have written on their last five albums.

Well, you concidentaly chose to name just about THE worst song in the history of their entire career. Frankenstein is pretty fucking boring, but that does NOT change the fact that Iced Earth has PLENTY of great, badass songs worth listening to and respecting.

AjDeath said:
The only reason to listen to Something Wicked is the last three songs and Horror Show is literally just that. I can write dumb galloping riffs, try a new tact, Jon.

Somthing Wicked is FILLED with great songs. Damn near the entire album is fuckin great, save for one or two songs. As for Horror Show, I would say that half of it is weak, but the other half is fuckin badass. Wolf is fucking GREAT, Damien is fantastic, The Phantom Opera Ghost is excellent, Ghost of Freedom is beautiful stuff, and Jack makes for good times.

The Glorious Burden delivered the goods as well and is better as a whole then Horror Show. ANYBODY can say they can write anything, but only some people can actually do it and make it sound good. Jon DEFFINATELY does it and makes it good.