AA members usernames


Sep 28, 2008
Montreal - Canada
i just found that ted goes with the username : Laphroaig
i know Johan Söderberg goes with : Johan.S
Frederick Andersson goes with : Andersson

does any body knows Olli and Johan Hegg's usernames??
i wanna see their posts :rock::rock:
bloodshed might be Oli, a thread earlier about the band posting got me searching for the usernames of the band members, and this one stuck out as a possible one
To summarize :

Johan Söderberg = Johan.S
Olavi Mikkonen = bloodshed
Johan Hegg = Ardbeg
Frederick Andersson = Andersson
Ted Lundström = Laphroaig

Me = VikingMan ;)
Ardbeg & Laphroaig = Great single malt Whiskies. If I chose a whisky username it would be Lagavulin.... mmmmm.... I shared some with Ted & Fred (think Oli had a dram too but Johan H was sick & Johan S left also) in Melbourne and when they return to our shores I will have another bottle ready, maybe another Lagavulin or perhaps Ardbeg "lord of the isles" if I can find a bottle... mmmm whisky.