I wasn't saying they were bad because they were black metal, or that they were bad at all.
I don't think you can make a valid comparison between them and AA...
It's ok,I didn't interpret it that way, I know what you were trying to say, but I just was trying to say that it's impossible to be objective in saying wich one is best because it will be always something held to your musical preferences.
And yeah, I agree, we shouldn't even be discussing this, black and death metal are very different to be comparing two bands of those genres
What black metal bands do you recommend (besides Immortal)?
I like blackened folk metal, such as Waylander and Pagan Reign, but i'm not too familar with the straight up black metal genre..
So you like viking (black+folk) metal? Welcome to the club
You should start with these bands:
Turisas: I recommend you to start with the album
Battle Metal, and take some time before going for
The Varangian Way, you have to get used to their style first
Windir, this is a bit more blacker, but damn it, I LOVE this band, why did Valfar have to die?
You should start with the album
Arntor, Ein Windir.
Ensiferum is also a must, pick up
Iron to start with them.
Nazgul is quite a strange band, it isn't what you call folk in the common way, it's more like blackened Vivaldi
. They only have one album,
De Expugnatione Elfmuth, and if you like classical music, this is a masterpiece you can't miss.
Blood Fire Death from
Bathory. Not liking this cd should be punished with a slow and horrible death if we lived in a perfect world.
Falkenbach. It's much more folkier and tranquil than blacker, but it's awesome, specially the cd
Magni Blandinn Ok Megintiri.
Well, I think that's enough for a while, if you have another question just ask