Perdition City vs. The Sham Mirrors


New Metal Member
Oct 12, 2001
Which do you like better? I have the Sham Mirrors, and I like it a lot, but I wouldn't go as far as saying that it's the best album of 2002 by any means. I've never heard Perdition City, but I know some of you have both, and I was hoping to get some comparison before buying some CD's this month.
As Russel said they're so different musically that a comparison between them is virtually useless... I love them both for different reasons. TSM is probably something that is "easier" to get into (if such a thing could be said for an Arcturus release), while PC is a bit more difficult to "understand". Don't forget that there are different people behind these two albums. Musically TSM is a creation of Sverd, while in PC it's Garm that pulls the strings. For me TSM was the best album in 2002, because for me Arcturus are probably the best rock band at this moment. But I believe that Garm himself described best in an interview the differences between the two projects... He said that as an artist he was more proud for his work in Ulver, but at home he puts an Arcturus album in the stereo more easily. Anyway the conclusion is that if you like "electronica" (for lack of a better term) then get PC... You won't be disappointed.
Thanks, you guys kick ass. I've mostly been a lurker here for the past couple years, and I find that the people who post here know what they're talking about for the most part. I'll be getting Perdition City on my next order.
Perdition city has nothing to do with metal while The sham mirrors is a metal album..... the only thing in common: Garm and the "oslo sound"
...Perdition city