Perfect record

Blind Guardian - I even liked NATO.

Fear Factory - Even Digimortal was good if you took it for what it was and not what it could have been, or in comparison to other releases...

Finntroll - Anything short of brilliantly fun polka-metal madness? Nope.

Summoning - HAHAHAHAHA. Everything they've touched rules.

Immortal - DIB was weaker, but I've rarely seen such a strong catalogue.

Incubus - Well, I wasn't sure if we were just posting metal bands or whatnot, but everything they've released rules as well.

Nokturnal Mortum - They haven't let ME down yet. ;)

Suidakra - I've enjoyed almost all of their output.

Symphony X - Their first album had some vocalist issues, but they've managed to impress me with each release.

Therion - I can't even think of an album which wasn't stellar in its own way or its own genre.

Windir - Hell yes.
Somberlain said:
Another could be Blut Aus Nord. Mystical Beast of Rebellion is basically worthless after listening to The Work Which Transforms God, but seeing as I had it before the latter was released it still has some value.
Agreed. Others that come to mind:

Lykathea Aflame :loco:
Symphony X
Aeternus (The last one was kind of a let down, but still good)
Going by the 4 full-length bar: Burzum, Summoning, Nokturnal Mortum, Gorguts, Immolation

I'm torn to add Ildjarn and Graveland.

projections: Drudkh, Averse Sefira
No band has released only masterpieces, but a handful have released only very good albums. Among them: Arghoslent, Golem, The Chasm, Graveland, Suffocation, Gorguts, Immolation, Grand Belial's Key, Thunderbolt, Forefather, Moonblood/Nachtfalke, Inchiuvatu, Sacramentum, Deathspell Omega.
I don't think Opeth has put out a bad or even mediocre album. There are a couple that don't completely blow me away, but with 7 albums, I think they've got a great record going so far...IMO of course.

Disarmonia Mundi is doing pretty good two albums in.

Also, Heaven Shall Burn haven't released anything short of extrodinairy.

Anata has pwnt all around as well.
Nightingale ;)
I fucking love all 5 albums, though the new one's the weakest by quite a bit.

I'm surprised no one's said Ulver yet... though I sure won't! I need to hear a bunch of their new stuff.

I'd also put The Lord Weird Slough Feg on here if i'd heard the debut and if it was as good as the other 3! Prediction: this record is soon to be extended to a 5th album!
Hmm i would add neither Ildjarn nor Blind Guardian although both are among my favourite bands - i juts think older Blind Guardian were nothing special, while the newer Ildjarn are not half as good as the old stuff.

In fact, i would also say NOONE because every band has released at least one average album.

Averse Sefira.
Angel Corpse.
Hate Eternal.
Electric Wizard.


Mortem (Peru)?
Today Is The Day?
Kataklysm? (Along with three other people, I like 'Victims..,')


Morbid Angel (minus Heretic and maybe Domination)
Incantation (The Infernal Storm lets the side down and D.C. is a little redundant)
Cryptopsy (W.S. lacks focus in my opinion)
Monstrosity (Perhaps Rise To Power is a little weak)
Deeds Of Flesh (Trading Pieces is awful)
Disgorge (US) (She Lay Gutted is retarded)
Celtic Frost (Should be obvious)