PERIPHERY - Insomnia from our upcoming album is up on myspace!


Jan 4, 2007
Hey guys, just thought i would quickly share that we have uploaded a new track, and for those of you who wanted something new, we have uploaded our album opener "Insomnia"
Hope you guys dig it!
You can find it here:

For those of you who dont already know, our debut album is coming out on 4/20 on Sumerian Records in the states and Distort in Canada, 4/16 on Roadrunner Australia, and 5/10 on Roadrunner in the rest of the world!

hey dude, i did everything except our friend Matt Murphy at Illuminate Studios tracked the vocals.
sounds really cool - can you tell me how did you edit vocals? They sound nasty :)

great job!
Misha! I can't believe you guys are coming to Australia with the Dillinger Escape Plan!

I'm don't really like their stuff at all, but if I can afford to come jsut to see you guys I definitely will. It will be a real spin out seeing you guys here after seeing you post demos on the sputnik music forums since before Periphery even existed! :lol:

Congratulations and good luck with it all man. :)
hey man, great stuff! I see you guys are playing at the New England Metal and Hardcore Festival. I havent seen a show for a while and might go there seeing how I live in CT. I have a question. How do you get your clean tones? They are awesome and close to what i'm looking for. What pickup do you use for them? What effects, etc? Thanks.
I can't wait to get your album! I was with those guys that talked to you a bunch at that show in Traverse City Michigan with Kittie and God Forbid. You guys destroy live and we were so pumped we got to shoot the shit with you guys for a while
Dude. That is pretty much the greatest song ever.

Your album will probably be the first I buy in a long. Consider that a huge compliment.
I'm sorry I can't listen to this, the vocals are a complete turn off. All the best, bulb.
I think the instrumentals in your music are completely outstanding, your vocalist screams do not bother me to much.....but some of his singing vocal melodies kill it for me. I liked the song "Light" much more with the old vocalist but can tolerate the new vocalists melodies on that, but the new songs......his vocals sound really wimpy....not diggin the emo vibe from them. The mix/recording is very sick though.
Will you hate me if I say that I prefer alot of your old mixes better? :cry:

The music sounds great, but the new mix you have got going just sounds strange to me, maybe i'm too attached to your old mix :loco:

and as said before, i prefer previous singers, but this spencer dood done a pretty good job too, all the best Mr Blub :kickass:
Will you hate me if I say that I prefer alot of your old mixes better? :cry:

The music sounds great, but the new mix you have got going just sounds strange to me, maybe i'm too attached to your old mix :loco:

and as said before, i prefer previous singers, but this spencer dood done a pretty good job too, all the best Mr Blub :kickass:

Haha i wont be mad, its all subjective and its all taste! But perhaps you can take some comfort in knowing that this is the first mix i am truly happy with, and it makes me hate my old mixes, there was always a serious issue i had or would develop with my old mixes and although i do know i still have A LOT to learn and a LONG way to go with my mixes, i feel like for the first time in my life i can be proud of something, so honestly thats why it doesnt bother me!
As far as spencer, he is the first singer that we have been able to work with on all levels and been the happiest with in all areas, we are so proud of him and his work on the album, and to our ears he has done the most amazing job out of all of our singers (subjective again haha!) but thats another reason we are super proud too! So to those who like it thats awesome!! And to those who dont, thats cool as well! Its music, not everyone will dig and we are ok with that!
Haha i wont be mad, its all subjective and its all taste! But perhaps you can take some comfort in knowing that this is the first mix i am truly happy with, and it makes me hate my old mixes, there was always a serious issue i had or would develop with my old mixes and although i do know i still have A LOT to learn and a LONG way to go with my mixes, i feel like for the first time in my life i can be proud of something, so honestly thats why it doesnt bother me!
As far as spencer, he is the first singer that we have been able to work with on all levels and been the happiest with in all areas, we are so proud of him and his work on the album, and to our ears he has done the most amazing job out of all of our singers (subjective again haha!) but thats another reason we are super proud too! So to those who like it thats awesome!! And to those who dont, thats cool as well! Its music, not everyone will dig and we are ok with that!

Thanks for the reply Mr Bulb! I still love the music, I just amen't digging the mix personally, but as you said, it's all preference, just as with everything :) Good job none the less! I'll be ordering the album asap!