Persistence of Time. Appreciate.

May 8, 2005
I have been listening to this masterpiece a lot lately, especially in preparation for last night's show which was single-handedly, one of the greatest balls out metal performances I have ever witnessed. It's a shame they only played Got the Time off it, because this is some of best thrash ever commited to tape, and needs to be heard to be believed. I consider this album to be in the top three thrash albums of all-time, behind Overkill's The Years of Decay, and Dark Angel's "Time Does Not Heal". Appreciate Persistence of Time.
For My Sweetheart the Drunk said:
I have been listening to this masterpiece a lot lately, especially in preperation for last night's show which was single-handedly, one of the greatest balls out metal performances I have ever witnessed. It's a shame they only played Got the Time off it, because this is some of best thrash ever commited to tape, and needs to be heard to be believed. This is the top three thrash albums of all-time, behind Overkill's The Years of Decay, and Dark Angel's "Time Does Not Heal". Appreciate Persistence of Time.

Amen I love Persistence of Time. My second or third favorite thrax album. I also love the years of decay. I hear you on this thread.
JohnThrax said:
POT is a good album, but its weak towards the end. I like ATL, STD and WCFYA way more though.

Only song I'm not overly into is H8Red. I love the rest of it - One Man Stands and Discharge are as good as anything the band's ever done imo. :headbang:
For My Sweetheart the Drunk said:

Which Anthrax albums due you consider superior?

Among the Living and Spreading the Disease(it was the first album in a long time that i could listen threw and threw and not dislike any of the songs)
I've said it before on this board, and I'll say it again: Persistence of Time is my all time favourite album period. I can listen to it any time anywhere and NEVER get tired of listening too it. Imo it's Anthrax "epic" album, and the songs are the most pissed off, aggressive, and well constructed that Anthrax has ever come up with. Scott is a fucking monster on that album!!! His rhythm playing is so fucking tight, and aggressive. Plus his tone is fucking KILLER. Danny plays some of the best leads he's ever played, and the solo on Time in particular is a MASTERPIECE! I could go on and on about every band members performance, and I could talk till the cows came home about the album. Imo it's a masterpiece and the best album Anthrax has ever made. One day I'll get what's mine through the Persistence of TIIIIIIIIIIIIIME!!! :headbang: :headbang: :headbang:
Yeah, I have to agree on it being the "epic" Anthrax album. It's the first I fell in love with. My first Anthrax album was State of Euphoria right before Persistance of Time came out. I remember liking them but not all that much based on what I knew of Anthrax which were limited to only the songs of SOE. I don't think my family got MTV so I never got to see any of the prior videos to SOE. No radio nothing. So, when POT came out, I wasn't running to the stores to get it until I hear Got the Time everywhere like at the record stores, people's stereo's and my friend introduced me to POT with Intro to Reality/Belly of the Beast.

Persistance of Time got me through alot of tough family and school turmoil. "Man, are they gonna put me in Jail". That song, In My World is what got me through everything. At the time, Megadeth, Slayer and Anthrax were pretty much the only cassettes constantly in rotation in my walkman. I had other shit like Overkill, Testament, Metallica, Suicidal Tendencies, Armored Saint. But, I wasn't that crazy about those bands. I liked them, but not as much. I would have had stuff like Guns and Roses, the Beatles, Motley Crue, Led Zep, Hendrix, Van Halen but I wouldn't have been caught dead with any of those tapes. Guilty pleasures at the time. I was 13/14, in junior high and if you had anything that wasn't heavy, it meant you're a fag.
mrthrax said:
really long songs were all the rage too lol
That's pretty true though. Around that time it seems, a decent number of thrash bands started writing more complex songs. From like '88-'91. Even just the big 4 bands, with Justice, Rust In Peace, POT, and SITA. Seasons to a lesser extent, but the title track for example has that epic feel about it.
POT for me is their strongest and best Joey era album. I love ALT for its landmark songs but on the whole POT is a far stronger and more solid album - sure it doesn't have the standout classics like ALT or Mosh, etc but Time is just my be all end all (no pun) Thrax song. Also In My World and Keep are just brutal.

Gridlock is a very underrated song. As is Discharge and in fact this whole damn album is underrated!

LOVE IT LOVE IT LOVE IT. Its my second favourite Thrax album of all time behind SOWN.

*** the GO2E version of Keep and In my World are just fantastic. John Bush's vocals and the even heavier groove on Keep are just amazing (I prefer it to the POT version).
I'm not into it; besides the 2 known songs I think it's one of their weakest albums.
I like the album too. Time, Got..., KIITF, H8TRED and Discharge are my favs on it. I like the into to BOB but the song lacks until the last part for me.
Have to say, as a 'thrax fan, I was disappointed with POT at the time, and I remain unsure of it now - it has its moments, but overall its not a patch on ATL or most of the albums which followed. Technically its fine, but I didn't like it too much then, and it has not stood the test of time - it sounds very dated now compared to even Sound of White Noise.

Too many tracks sound like filler to me. Each to their own though....
Intro to Reality/Belly of the Beast just might possibly be the best thing Anthrax has ever done, fuckers!

Well, if you don't count Only and What Doesn't Die... and such and such.
Fucking great album really dark and I think Joey's voice has this real sort of subtly pissed of attitude about it which I fucking love. I still dont understand why there are no proper falsetto screams on this or SOE though, I suppose it woudnt suit the feel of this album that well....and no one say "cos he cant do them" because all you have to do is watch their current live show....awesome.
P.O.T. is also where they start changing to a different writing style, darker, groovier. First time Anthrax uses Dropped D tuning. Which of course alot of metal bands were starting to do. Alot of people think Dropped D was a grunge thing. Dimebag was a huge fan of Drop D. It's everywhere in metal. I bet they don't use it as much on their current tour. I think people's problem with it is that, as good of a job Joey does on it, it doesn't fit 100% in the equation. It's why I think Bush should have sang on this record. Hasn't anyone ever noticed that the strongest songs on GOTE are the pre-ATL songs and the P.O.T. songs?????????