''persistence Of Time''.......something New For Everyone..


Aug 23, 2003
HELLO......i thought with some ANTHRAX down time here we could take a album of theres each week and talk about what we think about the record.we also could tell what our favorite song off the album is and why?and if you had the chance to see them on the ''PERSISTENCE OF TIME TOUR''...YOU can talk about the set list the live performance and so on....i started with this album because it is one of my all time favs......my fav song on this is...''IN MY WORLD''...THAT tune fucking rocks ass....i did not have the chance to see them on this tour but have the island years live cd and it kicks ass......the whole album is energy and kicks ass.....got the time is still a mainstay in the set list today which is really cool as hell i love that tune.....i do have the press kit from that album and an autographed press photo which is kinda cool i collect all anthrax stuff.....this cd is a 10 out of 10 for me let me know what you rate it?.......and let me here all your tales behind this cd...maybe you got a good blow job while listening to belly of the beast....lol....tell all....
NEXT WEEK WE REVIEW:''AMONG THE LIVING''...so get yor thinking caps on for next week.......stay THRAXED.....
The first metal concert I went to was Anthrax (Persistence of Tours) with Iron Maiden. The "In My World" video has what the stage was like...With all the lights in the background and the fukin RAD P.O.T. clock.
Going to that concert might be what made Anthrax my favorite band. I remember they played "Madhouse" and I thought that was a rad song, but I never heard it before. At the time, the only Anthrax cassette tapes I had were State of Euphoria, I'm The Man, and Persistence of Time..maybe. But I soon had 'em all!
I love almost every song on Persistence of Time. The only song I don't LOVE is Gridlock. It's good, but one of my least favorites.
"In My World" fucking rules. "One Man Stands" fucking rules. And "Intro to Reality/Belly of The Beast" kicks so much ass, words cannot describe it.
I give P.O.T. a 10 out of 10.

I'm gonna go listen to P.O.T. right now, thanks.
Persistence of Time was the first Thrax album i bought, back in '91 or '92. I also had a dubbed tape of Killer B's. This is one of my favorite albums by them. From the beginning til the end this cd rocks. I dont think there is a song i dont enjoy. I really dont have a favorite on the record( its so hard to choose ) Id have to say a tie between In My World
and Time. But the intro to Blood is so cool and Intro to Reality and Belly of the Beast are fucking rad, ahhhh, I Love the whole album.

I did not get to see them on this tour, I wish i had. I do have Through Time, Killer B's, Killer A's Vhs' as well as a bootleg Vhs of them live in Hampton, VA in early '91 on the POT tour, coming back in on the encore they do a sick verse of " Wont Get fooled Again ". Charlie starts it off w/ the drum solo bridge part.Joey comes in on the YEAAHHHHHH!!!, and they do a verse. It kicks ass!!!

POT is a good one! :grin:
When I bought this one, I just remember how well the music flowed from song to song. It's a great "whole CD'" album (meaning that you don't skip around to a few songs). POT was just miles above their previous effort State of Euphoria (which wasn't a bad album per se, but it was weak compared to Persistence & Among).
This was the first Thrax album I got into, but not the first I bought (that was SOWN)... anyway, me and my friends were working on this computergame just for fun and when we were working on the graphics we used to listen to it.

"In my world", "Discharge" and "One man stands" are my favs, ThraX best album with Joey imo.
cewl post, just like thraxdude my first 'metal'concert Maiden, Anthrax and King's X
P.O.T was not my first Thrax album (that was State) so i kida knew what to expect but songs like H8tred and keep it in the family were great anthems fotr me in the beginning of the 90's.
Long time since I've played it.
State was a bomb (my first metal LP) so it's a special one and SOWN is simply the best record ever by a band!!!!!
gonna put P.O.T. under my needle again
I bought this album in Germany, coz when it came out, there was still no distribution in our country. I'd been Anthrax fan for a year or so at the time, and at first I thought SOE (which had actually been my first Anthrax album) was better. I changed my mind then. POT is kind of very...dark album I should say. Anyway my ultimate faves are Discharge, Got The Time, Belly Of The Beast, Keep It In The Family and Time. The only song which has never really grown on me is H8Red. But still I think it would have been better with John, coz he simply nailed songs off this record (In My World, Keep It)
i love all the THRAX STORIES VERY COOL GUYS....im glad i cam up with this idea but we need more keep them coming guys...and thanks
My best friend got me into KISS, Aerosmith, AC/DC, etc. but when he got me I'm the Man for my 10th bday, that's when the shit hit the fan.... I loved the cover of Sabbath Bloody Sabbath and the live versions of mosh and law. Anthrax soon became my favorite metal band. And now 15 years later, they're my favorite band ever (ahead of The Beatles, KISS, and Maiden). They rule and that's that. My favorite Joey era record is P.o.T. cause it was the most epic and my favorite John era is WCFYA followed by SOWN. Although, it often flip flops between SOWN and Stomp and sometimes Vol 8.... I can never decide.
ok. so i'm somewhere in europe, gmy maybe. after thrax finished their first show on that maiden/thrax tour. and i'm walkin around after the show and from a distance i see what looks like the clock and POT . and i said to myself,... self
is that an anthrax shirt with the word POT ?? . what's up with this ? needless to say i'm very proud of all my tour swag that says POT. um, favorite song from this disc would have to be got the time. 2nd is definately in my world. i love cruising in my car BLASTING that one. um belly and keep it in the family are pretty awesome also.

and that damn clock. it was the bigest pain in my ass to keep that thing working correctly for a year and a half. especially with bello jumping against it trying to knock it down show after show. i can't remember how many times i had to run behind it and struggle to keep it from going over. i finally let it go on the last show somewhere. i remember starting to stop it and then just stepping back and watching it go.. and i think it may have gone off the back of the stage that night too.
In My World, Discharge, H8 and Keep it in the Family are some of my favs on the album. Keep it ripped live. I saw this tour with Maiden twice in Long Beach, CA. I think this album was better than Euphoria definitely. \nn/ :yell:
Before We've Come For You All, this was the album. First album of Anthrax I owned and has my favorite song on it. Belly Of The Beast. This album is awesome. I lost my cd, but had replaced it, so I took the old booklet I still had and taped it onto my notebook for school.
I must be the only person that doesn't think that Persistence of Time is one of Anthrax's best. The best Joey era, without a doubt, is Among the Living. PoT has good songs, but it doesn't capture me like AtL. If you include the John Bush albums it winds up even lower. Here's how I rate the LPs and EPs:

1. Volume 8
2. Among the Living
3. We've Come For You All
4. I'm the Man
5. Sound of White Noise
6. Attack of the Killer B's
7. Spreading the Disease (I haven't heard the whole album, but what I've heard I love, thus the lower rating)
8. Persistence of Time
9. State of Euphoria
10. Fistful of Metal
11. Stomp 442
Inc. Armed and Dangerous (haven't heard it)
I loved the album. Its like what someone said, the whole album rocked, not 1 song on it that made me want to fast forward. I saw Anthrax on this tour with Maiden, in Winnipeg Canada I do believe. They were great. Always loved them live. Their energy. I was already a fan, since the second I heard Fistfull of Metal. Ahhh I remember it so well. I even spray painted the back wall of my Jr. High school with Metallica rules, but ANTHRAX IS GOD. Anthrax has never let me down album wise. Even U4EAH was good in my opinion.
What I have alway admired about Anthrax is that they never changed. They were always METAL. Sure they did Im the Man with Public Enemy, but that was still metal. Anthraxs' music actually introduced me to some great reading, opened my eyes to some really great rap bands, and has entertained me since the 80s.
Good points on Anthrax pointing you to books and other music like rap. They pointed me toward actually reading King, I listened to punk and they were open minded to it, and I still have a UTFO album where they were special guests on the song Lethal. Where Danny played some lead and Joey rapped a little. That was after I'm the Man as a b-side and b4 I'm the Man EP and the PE noise thing.