Person on the forum LEAST deservant of bannage

Deron doesn'a give a shit about these forums because he gets no revenue from them.


Deron gets revenue from the forum in that it attracts alot of volume. He makes his revenue from banner ads, affiliate programs, advertisements, google word ads etc. He doesn't just make money from monthly suscriptions and such.
I got banned from one place for 5 days for being an asshole to a mod and I got banned from the Megadeth boards for two weeks because I made 'threatening' comments to someone in a PM when it was drunken banter.
Never been banned. At least not here, on a web forum where I was a moderator I got banned because I locked and deleted every thread in the forum when it changed from a music forum to a porn forum. They left me with my powers and I was bored so I ruined everyone's day.

one question man, are you actually gay? like i am just wondering, even though your name says it is, im asking you
I'm always very close to being banned from the Symphony X forum. I just piss the main mod off by acting like an ass, etc
I'm always very close to being banned from the Symphony X forum. I just piss the main mod off by acting like an ass, etc

God, that forum is so strict. I caused an issue there due to the size of my former sig. I never post there, but several several months ago I made one single post, asking a question about who had a certain quote I remembered only part of, in their sig. I wasn't expecting an answer, so it was quite a while before I checked if anyone replied. The mod did, and said my sig was too big and that I should change it. I replied with some sarcastic remark, ticked her off, and then all the users flocked to the scene like they'd never seen anything like that before.

The main issue was a common sense one though. I never have posted there in the past, and I never plan to be an active poster there. To me, that was quite obvious by the fact that I, well, never posted there! But the mod's gestapo sense was tingling and just felt compelled to say something about it. They (the higher UM powers) just defended the mod by saying, "Oh, well, how was she supposed to know you didn't plan on posting there again?" Uh, well, that's quite obvious. They just wanted me to look like that bad one.

Oh well. Those posters are deprived, if that's the only forum they post on.