
Consuming Impulse was a turning point for me as well. I used to be in tape trading, and traded with Randy Meinhard, their German guitarist on Malleus Maleficarum, and I had their 2 demos... They're gone now, unfortunately, but Pestilence was something very special for me! Recently I found the 2 first albums on CD, and I still listen to them! Fantastic!

When my old band played in Holland with Dark Angel, Patrick Mameli was there, and I just think he was a brilliant mind in metal. I hope he will come back with the same intelligence as he portrayed back then. Don't care what kind of music it is, as long as it's well performed.
Consuming Impulse!!!

I can't stress enough how important that one was for me as well.. what a album that was/is...

last i heard is Martin van Drunen and his german band i believe, "death by dawn"... i thought it was cool he was still jamming, but i would love it if they would come together one day and do another album... but it's cool... we still have those great albums to listen to!
Hey Jacob!!
Great to find you here.:goggly:

A couple of years ago Mameli had a project called C-187, don't know if it still excists.
I'm going to Obituary and Dead By Dawn next teusday in Deventer, Holland.