Peter Steele is dead.

I've never been a fan of his, or Type O's so it doesn't really affect me... but I do feel for his family and friends.
Lead vocalist for both Carnivore and Type O Negative.

6'7 goth guy. Also posed in Playgirl, then found out that like 20% of the people who read Playgirl are women, felt embarassed, released song called I Like Goils, funny guy.
Brother had a MASSIVE 'friend' shall we say. I learned this by searching 'Peter Steele' on Google Images.

His real name is Petrus T. Ratajczyk and he was of Russian, Icelandic, English and Polish heritage, crazy eh? 6'7, dark as fuck humour, amazing voice.
It upsets me that some people have absolutely no clue who he is. He was someone different to the sheep, we could definately do with a lot more Peter Steele's in the world, the man was a legend. The music he created was sublime.