Peter's Vocals


New Metal Member
Sep 21, 2005
Seems to me that Peter's stint in Bloodbath really put the fire back in his vocals. Sounds alot more like the real Tagtgren. I personally feel The Arrival was his worst performance. Funny how Catch 22 threw a wrench into everything from vocals to songwriting. Virus announces the real return of HYPOCRISY!!! Arrival got em back on the right path, but on Virus its full speed ahead picking up where Into the Abyss left off. No nu metal riffage whatsoever, and those soulripping vocals. God I love his clean vocals, glad they are back too, he always uses them well. Well enough of me, what do you all think?
for sure. i really dont like his vocals on the bonus dvd of virus.
in some parts you can hear some deep growls, like in "god is a lie"". but why the hell is he always screaming like blackmetal *?'#+
all of his vocals are awesome

the fact that he can do it all makes all of his vocals even better

Peter is the best screamer of all time

and I sure hope he will still be doing the vocals for the next Bloodbath album

anyone has news about it yet?
It would take a miracle for him to do vocals for the next album, althought I WISH HE WOULD!!!! Bloodbath is currently looking for a vocalist and accepting auditions if you go to their website.
i love peters vocals, hes my favourite vocalist in all metal, he has a great range and i love his growl more than anyone elses.
I think Peter's pretty good at many ranges vocally. As for deep vocals, yes he's definitely returned to form on Virus, but I think he rules on Final Chapter more than anything.:rock:
he's definately got an amazing voice. Though I don't care for 'Pain' I think everything he's done with Hypocrisy and Bloodbath has been impressive.
Peter has a really good throat in brutal vokal.. But he dont know to use it, i agree the comments that must be in "bloodbath".. their albums are (especially the Virus) have too heavy sound and rhtym, cause his vokal is poor among that, like a black group member .. !! in this style his vokal should be more brutal, it is not necessary to use the scream vokal.
Well he does have a lot of influence from Black Metal. He's been involved in the scene for quite a while, and that could be an explination. But also, not ALL death metal has growls in it. If you think back to the older bands such as Possessed who were very influential to the Death Metal scene, they really didn't use growling vocals. Just a thought.